Tuesday 1 August 2017

10 Superstitious traits of Indian POLITICIANS

Politicians obviously rule democratic countries. The Indian Republic is no exception. Common people exercise their franchise once in five years during the elections and further the power to rule vests with elected representatives called ‘Netas’ or Political Leaders. But Politics is the most uncertain profession practiced in India. Winning an election is a complex process not only depending on factors like charisma of the leader and their contribution to the constituency but multiple parameters like caste, religion, money-muscle power and manipulative traits all sum up for their success. Despite scoring well in all the aforementioned parameters, carpetbaggers will be unsure of succeeding in the polls; this prompts them to surrender to practitioners called Astrologers, God men, Tantrics or Black magicians who act as soothsayers and predictors for every politician of this Indian democracy. Here are interesting superstitions followed by Indian politicians cutting across the party lines viz. Leftist, Rightist, and Socialists.

1 Bad Omen Birds & Animals
Astrologers are known to attach good luck and bad luck with even the most harmless creatures of this mother earth. They dub Cat crossing over our path as bad omen. Similarly, Crow and Owl are birds often associated with the bad omen. Crow pooping on our head, left shoulder or right shoulder is interpreted differently by astrologers. Recently Mr. Siddaramaiah, the Chief Minister (C.M) of the state of Karnataka, India was in News due to this ‘Crow-Factor.’ In the first occasion [1], a Crow sat on the bonnet of Mr. Siddaramiah’s official car. The Crow was so stubborn that it took a Herculean effort for C.M’s office bearers to persuade it to leave the car. Meanwhile, the cameras of 24/7 electronic media houses captured footages of Crow not-budging to free CM’s car. Immediately Astrologers across the state of Karnataka started airing implications and ill-effects of this gesture of Crow on Govt. of Karnataka and personally on C.M in different News Channels.

Ironically the C.M of Karnataka, who maintains a rationalist outlook and was even keen on passing ‘The Karnataka Prevention of Superstitious Practices Bill’ in state assembly, succumbed to pressure due to astrologers’ rhetoric in T.V channels. Finally, He took a precautionary measure based on astrologers’ guidelines by disposing the old car for a brand new one. The second incidence [2] is of crow pooping on C.M Siddaramiah’s white dress in a public meeting and it created a lot of chaos in T.V Channels with astrologers going rhetoric on implications of this incidence on the administration of Siddaramiah’s Govt. Though C.M and his officials tried to do damage control for his rationalist image by clarifying C.M’s rational intent to media, People were already convinced from his action that power-politics persuade so called Rationalist politicians to become blind followers of dime-dozen soothsayers of this Nation.
2 Swimming pool with Mud and Sand— Vaastu Shastra
A socialist and radical politician of yesteryears Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav, known for his humorous speeches and making fun of ritual practices and (God men)-Babas in his talks have turned superstitious, with all the uncertainties faced by his Rashtriya Janata Dal-(RJD) party and for getting embroiled in fodder scam and central investigation agencies targeting his family members. Mr. Lalu Yadav has become a disciple of a self-proclaimed God man of Uttar Pradesh called Pagal Baba. He sports a 108 bead rudraksha garland around his neck. Interestingly he takes a whirlwind tour of various temples of the nation like Shirdi Sai Baba shrine, the famous Shani temple at Shinganapur. And ‘Jyotirlinga’ shrine in Nashik. Most unbelievable development regarding Lalu Yadav is his staunch belief in ‘Vaastu Shastra’ [3] (Architecture). As a consequence of this, a swimming pool in the center of his posh residence is completely filled with mud and sand to bury down negative energy erupting from this pool. The socialist who raised slogans like ‘Burn all the Scriptures’ in the 1990s has become hard core superstitious person in 2017, courtesy— uncertainties of Political Power game. Also, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandra Shekar Rao is a staunch believer in Vaastu Shastra and has twice changed his residence. Recent News is Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamta Banerjee is changing her residence based on inputs from Vaastu Consultants.
In nutshell, Vaastu Shastra experts play important role in life of every politician. All politicians follow the advice of Vaastu Experts with same sanctity Electrical Engineers follow Flemings Left Hand and Right-Hand rules! Southwest corner of the room also known as ‘Kubera Corner’ in Vaastu Shastra is the position where all politicians prefer to occupy the seat.
3 Precise Timing Manias – Rahu kala vs Gulika Kala
Politicians in India have cultivated habit of coming late to public rallies during elections and testing the patience of the audience. But the same politicians work with ‘space craft launch’ precision when it comes to filing their Nomination for election or assuming office as a minister or legislative member or during any such important occasions that determine their position and power. Mr. H.D Revanna,[4] Member of Legislative Assembly, (MLA) and son of former Prime Minister of India Mr. H D Devegowda is a politician who believes in Precise Timings advocated by his astrologers. He never conducts any important events during ‘Rahu-Kala’ (inauspicious time), Media has reported his obsession for auspicious timings on numerous occasions. The Recent one being His objection over time fixed for a Legislative Session by Govt. of Karnataka to discuss repercussions of Cauvery Water Dispute between Karnataka and neighboring Tamil Nadu state. According to him, the timing scheduled for the session was inauspicious one costing dearly for his state’s cause!
4 RIGHT Side Manias and LEFT Side Phobias
Indian mindset trains us from kids to treat RIGHT Hand and RIGHT side as auspicious [5] and Left hand and Left side as inauspicious. People pray to the God to bless by showering flowers from the RIGHT side of the idol instead of the Left side. Politicians are no exception, though this ‘Left-Right’ Theory has nothing to do with current Indian Political scene of Leftist Vs Rightist Ideology friction. Politicians irrespective of their Party lines, exhibit Right Mania and Left Phobia in all their actions.
During Filing of Nomination for elections, Politicians handover the application papers in RIGHT hand and expect the officer-in charge to receive it through right hand. They always get into their vehicle by placing RIGHT Leg first. Next after the declaration of election results the winning candidate prefers to come out of the counting station from RIGHT side of the building and takes RIGHT direction to reach their vehicle and expects the driver to drive the car in the route that is to RIGHT side, even if taking left direction would have been the shortest route to destiny!
On the contrary, when addressing the subordinates in a party or office meeting, Politicians prefer their subordinates to occupy left side seats and at the maximum straight seat but avoid them to be seated to the RIGHT side! Reason being a simple belief that subordinates sitting to their RIGHT side might dominate in power game.
5 Black Magic and Magicians –Tantrics     
Black Magicians also called Tantric have a special place in Politicians courtyards. Instances of former Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi practicing tantras/tricks secretly with help of a Tantric called Dheerendra Brahmachari are evident in many media reports. She used to wear a Rudraksha-Garland as a talisman. She is known to have conducted a ‘Yagna’-oblations to fire and recitation of verses from the year 1979 to 1983 at a Kali temple in Jhansi to protect her son Sanjay Gandhi and herself from evil forces. 
In the state of Karnataka from where another former Prime Minister H.D Deve Gowda hails from, all party politicians resort to different forms of black magic. Mr. Deve Gowda’s son H.D Revanna is known to have sacrificed Donkeys to Goddess to protect his political power during assembly elections. The most controversial black magic incidence of recent times happened when the opposition Janata Dal (Secular) [6] had to vacate its Head Quarters building on the grounds of losing the legal fight with ruling Congress. While vacating it is alleged that the entrance of Head Quarters building was flooded with Lemons, Chilli and vermilion and other unknown materials to create ill-effect to new occupants of the building (i.e. Congress workers). Congress workers were horrified with this incidence and they resorted to nullifying rituals to counter the tricks played by the opposition Janata Dal.
Mr. D.V Sadananda Gowda, former Chief Minister of the state of Karnataka from BJP, had performed Bhoota-Aradane (Ritual of South Kanara District) during his tenure to strengthen his position. Many politicians of the state are staunch followers of Tantric (Magicians) from Kollegal region in Mysuru district. Kollegal is known as Black-Magic hub of Karnataka. During the period of former Prime Ministers M Chandra Shekar and P.V Narasimha Rao, A god-man by name Chandra Swamy was highly influential in political circles. Chandra Swamy has openly admitted that he conducts three kinds of rituals. 1) The Maha mrityunjay yajna (to conquer death), 2) The Rudra Maha Yagya (to do harm to one’s adversaries), and the bag might yajna (to eliminate enemies). Recently from the state of Bihar, their C.M, Mr. Nitish Kumar [7], was caught by a camera having a deep discussion with a black-magician in public. This act had also tarnished his image of socialist and rational. Most common observation from politicians across the party lines are that majority of them possesses ‘auspicious-lemon’ in their pockets, office-room and home to nullify so called evil-forces.
6 Woman Candidature Phobia
Even Indian mythology has stories of warriors not fighting against women in the war field. In the same lines, Astrologers in the state of Karnataka had predicted defeat of former P.M, Mr. H D Deve Gowda [8] from a women candidate in 14th parliamentary elections held in the year 2004. Gowda’s opponents took astrologers predictions seriously and fielded Mrs. Tejaswini Ramesh, a popular journalist in the fray and she defeated Mr. Gowda by a margin of 1.2 Lakh votes. From then on Women Candidature phobia is haunting many political leaders of the state.     

7Birth Stones & Gems
In recent developments whole of India is immersed in a belief that Gems-stones and diamonds bring in a lot of luck and energy. Astrologers in Television shows do rampant publicity of these stones. Politicians are the prominent professionals to believe such soothsayers advice. Political leaders from village level to the president of Nation wear talisman or rings made of so called birth stones or lucky stones. The list starts with former President of India Dr. Pranab Mukharjee, who wears a coral gemstone ring in his left hand. Though Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi is not seen wearing any ring, He is curious about Astrology practice and is known to encourage practitioners of this profession. P.M Mr. Modi is known as a staunch follower of Rajasthan based God man Uttam Swami.  Next is a home minister of India Mr. Rajnath Singh [9] wears a coral ring on the ring finger of his right hand.  Mrs. Sushma Swaraj, External affairs minister wear a blue sapphire on her middle finger. Mr. Arun Jaitley, Minister of finance wears a red coral in the ring finger. Similarly, Mr. Nitin Gadkari, minister of road Transport and highways wears a Gunmetal ring; Ms. Uma Bharati minister of water resources wears a Blue sapphire ring. Interestingly minister for communications and information technology is also not an exception from this blind belief and he flaunts yellow sapphire and red coral rings. This trend of top most leaders has perforated to the grass root level workers of all the political parties.  In nutshell, India is the best market for Gems, Stones and diamond dealers in current circumstances.
8 Colour & Numerology Mania
While one sect of soothsayers advocate ‘Vaastu-Shastra’-[6] attributing our fate to the position of commode and doors of our house; the other sect advocates gems, stones, and other beads as talisman to please stars and planets; next sect preaches people to rechristen their names or append or delete an alphabet from their names and advice to wear a particular colour dress or buy an automobile of a particular shade. Our Mathematician invented Numerals to help us count, but these astrologers associate ‘lucky’ and ‘unlucky’ adjective to these numerals and sell plain digits 0-9 to common man and politicians alike. Instances of politicians renaming themselves or adding an additional letter to their names galore in Indian political arena, Ms. J Jayalalitha, Former C.M of Tamil Nadu, added an extra ‘a’ to her name to become J. Jayalalithaa. Similarly, former C.M of Karnataka, Mr. B. S Yeddyiurappa, deleted ‘i’ from his name based on astrologers’ suggestions.
Mr. Manoharlal Khattar, current C.M of the state of Haryana is known to have strictly instructed his party men (B.J.P) to not wear a black color dress during his swearing in ceremony. Five-time M.P from Mumbai city, Mr. Mohan Rawale is so obsessed with a yellow color dress that he always wears yellow shirts in public outings. Due to this obsession for Yellow, Mr. Rawale had once withdrawn nearly 1.5 Lakh posters during election campaign citing the reason His shirt in posters was of a different color!
Next, we have two C.M’s from State of Himachal Pradesh Mr. Virabhadra Singh and Mr. Prem Kumar Dhumal. Both are superstitious about numbers 5 and 9 respectively. Their cars have these numbers and they conduct important meetings on this date and file nominations for elections only on this date. In nutshell, Indian RTO-Regional Transport Office makes a lot of money by selling so called lucky numbers to VVIPs. 
9 Phobia of Constituency
Some constituencies in few of the states are identified as bad-omen places for politicians. That too Chief Ministers of some states avoid visiting some of the constituency due to the fear of losing power. Chamarajanagar [10] constituency in Karnataka is considered to be unlucky one for C.Ms. many chief ministers of state of Karnataka coincidentally have lost C.M position after visiting this place. But current C.M Siddaramaiah proved this superstition wrong by visiting Chamrajanagar couple of times and is still ruling the state! Same phobia is attached with Noida [11] -Industrial hub of Uttar Pradesh, state. Most of the C.M’s of UP fear to visit this place. In nutshell the uncertain nature of democracy prompts politicians to believe soothsayers predictions blindly.    
10 Rain god worships
With rain playing spoil sports in past three consecutive years, Indian farmers have witnessed drought and drinking water is a major concern for both animals and humans. Politicians engaged in raging destruction of forests and contaminating water resources in name of mining start worshiping Rain-GODs in Monsoon. Their inability to resolve water disputes between neighboring states is buried in form of prayer to rain god and Govt. of Karnataka and Govt. of Telangana carried out rain god prayers by spending nearly 20 Lakh rupees [12] on such rituals. Rain-God prayers have become common practice amongst Indian politicians in recent past which clearly depict them as most superstitious beings of the Nation.
