Tuesday 1 August 2017

10 Superstitious traits of Indian POLITICIANS

Politicians obviously rule democratic countries. The Indian Republic is no exception. Common people exercise their franchise once in five years during the elections and further the power to rule vests with elected representatives called ‘Netas’ or Political Leaders. But Politics is the most uncertain profession practiced in India. Winning an election is a complex process not only depending on factors like charisma of the leader and their contribution to the constituency but multiple parameters like caste, religion, money-muscle power and manipulative traits all sum up for their success. Despite scoring well in all the aforementioned parameters, carpetbaggers will be unsure of succeeding in the polls; this prompts them to surrender to practitioners called Astrologers, God men, Tantrics or Black magicians who act as soothsayers and predictors for every politician of this Indian democracy. Here are interesting superstitions followed by Indian politicians cutting across the party lines viz. Leftist, Rightist, and Socialists.

1 Bad Omen Birds & Animals
Astrologers are known to attach good luck and bad luck with even the most harmless creatures of this mother earth. They dub Cat crossing over our path as bad omen. Similarly, Crow and Owl are birds often associated with the bad omen. Crow pooping on our head, left shoulder or right shoulder is interpreted differently by astrologers. Recently Mr. Siddaramaiah, the Chief Minister (C.M) of the state of Karnataka, India was in News due to this ‘Crow-Factor.’ In the first occasion [1], a Crow sat on the bonnet of Mr. Siddaramiah’s official car. The Crow was so stubborn that it took a Herculean effort for C.M’s office bearers to persuade it to leave the car. Meanwhile, the cameras of 24/7 electronic media houses captured footages of Crow not-budging to free CM’s car. Immediately Astrologers across the state of Karnataka started airing implications and ill-effects of this gesture of Crow on Govt. of Karnataka and personally on C.M in different News Channels.

Ironically the C.M of Karnataka, who maintains a rationalist outlook and was even keen on passing ‘The Karnataka Prevention of Superstitious Practices Bill’ in state assembly, succumbed to pressure due to astrologers’ rhetoric in T.V channels. Finally, He took a precautionary measure based on astrologers’ guidelines by disposing the old car for a brand new one. The second incidence [2] is of crow pooping on C.M Siddaramiah’s white dress in a public meeting and it created a lot of chaos in T.V Channels with astrologers going rhetoric on implications of this incidence on the administration of Siddaramiah’s Govt. Though C.M and his officials tried to do damage control for his rationalist image by clarifying C.M’s rational intent to media, People were already convinced from his action that power-politics persuade so called Rationalist politicians to become blind followers of dime-dozen soothsayers of this Nation.
2 Swimming pool with Mud and Sand— Vaastu Shastra
A socialist and radical politician of yesteryears Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav, known for his humorous speeches and making fun of ritual practices and (God men)-Babas in his talks have turned superstitious, with all the uncertainties faced by his Rashtriya Janata Dal-(RJD) party and for getting embroiled in fodder scam and central investigation agencies targeting his family members. Mr. Lalu Yadav has become a disciple of a self-proclaimed God man of Uttar Pradesh called Pagal Baba. He sports a 108 bead rudraksha garland around his neck. Interestingly he takes a whirlwind tour of various temples of the nation like Shirdi Sai Baba shrine, the famous Shani temple at Shinganapur. And ‘Jyotirlinga’ shrine in Nashik. Most unbelievable development regarding Lalu Yadav is his staunch belief in ‘Vaastu Shastra’ [3] (Architecture). As a consequence of this, a swimming pool in the center of his posh residence is completely filled with mud and sand to bury down negative energy erupting from this pool. The socialist who raised slogans like ‘Burn all the Scriptures’ in the 1990s has become hard core superstitious person in 2017, courtesy— uncertainties of Political Power game. Also, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandra Shekar Rao is a staunch believer in Vaastu Shastra and has twice changed his residence. Recent News is Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamta Banerjee is changing her residence based on inputs from Vaastu Consultants.
In nutshell, Vaastu Shastra experts play important role in life of every politician. All politicians follow the advice of Vaastu Experts with same sanctity Electrical Engineers follow Flemings Left Hand and Right-Hand rules! Southwest corner of the room also known as ‘Kubera Corner’ in Vaastu Shastra is the position where all politicians prefer to occupy the seat.
3 Precise Timing Manias – Rahu kala vs Gulika Kala
Politicians in India have cultivated habit of coming late to public rallies during elections and testing the patience of the audience. But the same politicians work with ‘space craft launch’ precision when it comes to filing their Nomination for election or assuming office as a minister or legislative member or during any such important occasions that determine their position and power. Mr. H.D Revanna,[4] Member of Legislative Assembly, (MLA) and son of former Prime Minister of India Mr. H D Devegowda is a politician who believes in Precise Timings advocated by his astrologers. He never conducts any important events during ‘Rahu-Kala’ (inauspicious time), Media has reported his obsession for auspicious timings on numerous occasions. The Recent one being His objection over time fixed for a Legislative Session by Govt. of Karnataka to discuss repercussions of Cauvery Water Dispute between Karnataka and neighboring Tamil Nadu state. According to him, the timing scheduled for the session was inauspicious one costing dearly for his state’s cause!
4 RIGHT Side Manias and LEFT Side Phobias
Indian mindset trains us from kids to treat RIGHT Hand and RIGHT side as auspicious [5] and Left hand and Left side as inauspicious. People pray to the God to bless by showering flowers from the RIGHT side of the idol instead of the Left side. Politicians are no exception, though this ‘Left-Right’ Theory has nothing to do with current Indian Political scene of Leftist Vs Rightist Ideology friction. Politicians irrespective of their Party lines, exhibit Right Mania and Left Phobia in all their actions.
During Filing of Nomination for elections, Politicians handover the application papers in RIGHT hand and expect the officer-in charge to receive it through right hand. They always get into their vehicle by placing RIGHT Leg first. Next after the declaration of election results the winning candidate prefers to come out of the counting station from RIGHT side of the building and takes RIGHT direction to reach their vehicle and expects the driver to drive the car in the route that is to RIGHT side, even if taking left direction would have been the shortest route to destiny!
On the contrary, when addressing the subordinates in a party or office meeting, Politicians prefer their subordinates to occupy left side seats and at the maximum straight seat but avoid them to be seated to the RIGHT side! Reason being a simple belief that subordinates sitting to their RIGHT side might dominate in power game.
5 Black Magic and Magicians –Tantrics     
Black Magicians also called Tantric have a special place in Politicians courtyards. Instances of former Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi practicing tantras/tricks secretly with help of a Tantric called Dheerendra Brahmachari are evident in many media reports. She used to wear a Rudraksha-Garland as a talisman. She is known to have conducted a ‘Yagna’-oblations to fire and recitation of verses from the year 1979 to 1983 at a Kali temple in Jhansi to protect her son Sanjay Gandhi and herself from evil forces. 
In the state of Karnataka from where another former Prime Minister H.D Deve Gowda hails from, all party politicians resort to different forms of black magic. Mr. Deve Gowda’s son H.D Revanna is known to have sacrificed Donkeys to Goddess to protect his political power during assembly elections. The most controversial black magic incidence of recent times happened when the opposition Janata Dal (Secular) [6] had to vacate its Head Quarters building on the grounds of losing the legal fight with ruling Congress. While vacating it is alleged that the entrance of Head Quarters building was flooded with Lemons, Chilli and vermilion and other unknown materials to create ill-effect to new occupants of the building (i.e. Congress workers). Congress workers were horrified with this incidence and they resorted to nullifying rituals to counter the tricks played by the opposition Janata Dal.
Mr. D.V Sadananda Gowda, former Chief Minister of the state of Karnataka from BJP, had performed Bhoota-Aradane (Ritual of South Kanara District) during his tenure to strengthen his position. Many politicians of the state are staunch followers of Tantric (Magicians) from Kollegal region in Mysuru district. Kollegal is known as Black-Magic hub of Karnataka. During the period of former Prime Ministers M Chandra Shekar and P.V Narasimha Rao, A god-man by name Chandra Swamy was highly influential in political circles. Chandra Swamy has openly admitted that he conducts three kinds of rituals. 1) The Maha mrityunjay yajna (to conquer death), 2) The Rudra Maha Yagya (to do harm to one’s adversaries), and the bag might yajna (to eliminate enemies). Recently from the state of Bihar, their C.M, Mr. Nitish Kumar [7], was caught by a camera having a deep discussion with a black-magician in public. This act had also tarnished his image of socialist and rational. Most common observation from politicians across the party lines are that majority of them possesses ‘auspicious-lemon’ in their pockets, office-room and home to nullify so called evil-forces.
6 Woman Candidature Phobia
Even Indian mythology has stories of warriors not fighting against women in the war field. In the same lines, Astrologers in the state of Karnataka had predicted defeat of former P.M, Mr. H D Deve Gowda [8] from a women candidate in 14th parliamentary elections held in the year 2004. Gowda’s opponents took astrologers predictions seriously and fielded Mrs. Tejaswini Ramesh, a popular journalist in the fray and she defeated Mr. Gowda by a margin of 1.2 Lakh votes. From then on Women Candidature phobia is haunting many political leaders of the state.     

7Birth Stones & Gems
In recent developments whole of India is immersed in a belief that Gems-stones and diamonds bring in a lot of luck and energy. Astrologers in Television shows do rampant publicity of these stones. Politicians are the prominent professionals to believe such soothsayers advice. Political leaders from village level to the president of Nation wear talisman or rings made of so called birth stones or lucky stones. The list starts with former President of India Dr. Pranab Mukharjee, who wears a coral gemstone ring in his left hand. Though Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi is not seen wearing any ring, He is curious about Astrology practice and is known to encourage practitioners of this profession. P.M Mr. Modi is known as a staunch follower of Rajasthan based God man Uttam Swami.  Next is a home minister of India Mr. Rajnath Singh [9] wears a coral ring on the ring finger of his right hand.  Mrs. Sushma Swaraj, External affairs minister wear a blue sapphire on her middle finger. Mr. Arun Jaitley, Minister of finance wears a red coral in the ring finger. Similarly, Mr. Nitin Gadkari, minister of road Transport and highways wears a Gunmetal ring; Ms. Uma Bharati minister of water resources wears a Blue sapphire ring. Interestingly minister for communications and information technology is also not an exception from this blind belief and he flaunts yellow sapphire and red coral rings. This trend of top most leaders has perforated to the grass root level workers of all the political parties.  In nutshell, India is the best market for Gems, Stones and diamond dealers in current circumstances.
8 Colour & Numerology Mania
While one sect of soothsayers advocate ‘Vaastu-Shastra’-[6] attributing our fate to the position of commode and doors of our house; the other sect advocates gems, stones, and other beads as talisman to please stars and planets; next sect preaches people to rechristen their names or append or delete an alphabet from their names and advice to wear a particular colour dress or buy an automobile of a particular shade. Our Mathematician invented Numerals to help us count, but these astrologers associate ‘lucky’ and ‘unlucky’ adjective to these numerals and sell plain digits 0-9 to common man and politicians alike. Instances of politicians renaming themselves or adding an additional letter to their names galore in Indian political arena, Ms. J Jayalalitha, Former C.M of Tamil Nadu, added an extra ‘a’ to her name to become J. Jayalalithaa. Similarly, former C.M of Karnataka, Mr. B. S Yeddyiurappa, deleted ‘i’ from his name based on astrologers’ suggestions.
Mr. Manoharlal Khattar, current C.M of the state of Haryana is known to have strictly instructed his party men (B.J.P) to not wear a black color dress during his swearing in ceremony. Five-time M.P from Mumbai city, Mr. Mohan Rawale is so obsessed with a yellow color dress that he always wears yellow shirts in public outings. Due to this obsession for Yellow, Mr. Rawale had once withdrawn nearly 1.5 Lakh posters during election campaign citing the reason His shirt in posters was of a different color!
Next, we have two C.M’s from State of Himachal Pradesh Mr. Virabhadra Singh and Mr. Prem Kumar Dhumal. Both are superstitious about numbers 5 and 9 respectively. Their cars have these numbers and they conduct important meetings on this date and file nominations for elections only on this date. In nutshell, Indian RTO-Regional Transport Office makes a lot of money by selling so called lucky numbers to VVIPs. 
9 Phobia of Constituency
Some constituencies in few of the states are identified as bad-omen places for politicians. That too Chief Ministers of some states avoid visiting some of the constituency due to the fear of losing power. Chamarajanagar [10] constituency in Karnataka is considered to be unlucky one for C.Ms. many chief ministers of state of Karnataka coincidentally have lost C.M position after visiting this place. But current C.M Siddaramaiah proved this superstition wrong by visiting Chamrajanagar couple of times and is still ruling the state! Same phobia is attached with Noida [11] -Industrial hub of Uttar Pradesh, state. Most of the C.M’s of UP fear to visit this place. In nutshell the uncertain nature of democracy prompts politicians to believe soothsayers predictions blindly.    
10 Rain god worships
With rain playing spoil sports in past three consecutive years, Indian farmers have witnessed drought and drinking water is a major concern for both animals and humans. Politicians engaged in raging destruction of forests and contaminating water resources in name of mining start worshiping Rain-GODs in Monsoon. Their inability to resolve water disputes between neighboring states is buried in form of prayer to rain god and Govt. of Karnataka and Govt. of Telangana carried out rain god prayers by spending nearly 20 Lakh rupees [12] on such rituals. Rain-God prayers have become common practice amongst Indian politicians in recent past which clearly depict them as most superstitious beings of the Nation.


Sunday 11 June 2017

India's Biggest Metro Interchange--'Kempegowda Interchange' is Ready to be Unveiled

Like many other Indian Cities Bangalore aka Bengaluru also is choking under Traffic Congestion. BMRTC-Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation has brought in some relief to Bangaloreans by finally completing the work on North-South Corridor Route from Yelachannahalli to Nagsandra. From 17th June 2017 both East-West Corridor of Mysuru Road to Byappanhalli and North-South Corridor of Yelachannahalli to Nagsandra will be operational. Both these PINK-Lane and Green-lane will intersect at Majestic--Kempegowda Metro Interchange.
Photo Courtesy-Prajavani- Bangalore Metro Interchange @ Kempegowda Station

Kempegowda Metro Interchange considered to be the biggest Metro Interchange of India is ready to be inaugurated by our President Pranab Mukherjee. The Station is said to have a capacity to bear 20000 passengers at a time.
  • The total built area of Interchange is-48575 sq-meter
  • The underground built area is-31532 sq-meter
  • Overall 12 staircases are provided
  • Overall 24 Escalators are provided to bear the traffic.  
According to Chairman of Bengaluru Metro Corporation-Mr. Pradeep Singh Karola--
Even he is anxious to know how the Interchange will bear the load of handling passengers thronging from both corridors as soon as Metro-Reach-1 will be completely functional from June 17th 2017.
Currently the interchange is witnessing 39,000 passengers movement in entire day and will get tripled according to officials of metro corporation. 
Now Bangalore's Majestic aka Shubashnagar has one more feather into its cap:
  1. Feather-1: It houses Karnataka State Transport Corporation- KSRTC bus terminal
  2. Feather-2: It possesses Bangalore Metro Transport Corporation bus terminal     
  3. Feather-3:  Houses Sangolli Rayanna Railway Station
  4. Feather-4: Biggest Shopping area of Bangalore
  5. Now- Metro Train Interchange is going to be unveiled in Majestic 
'MAJESTIC'- as it is colloquially called by Bangaloreans, provides employment to different class of citizens who throng Bangalore city with hope of livelihood. Truly it Majestically accepts the growing population of this city without any cribbing.

Last Sip
'ಮೆಜೆಸ್ಟಿಕ್' ಬೆಂಗಳೂರಿನ ಹೆಬ್ಬಾಗಿಲು 
 ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಜನಜಂಗುಳಿ Common 
ಅದನ್ನು ನೋಡಿರದವನು uncommon !
KSRTC,BMTC ಮತ್ತು Railway station ಜೊತೆ ಈಗ Metro station ಸಹ ಬಂತು 

read more: http://www.prajavani.net/news/article/2017/06/12/498246.html

Friday 2 June 2017

Super Star Culture in Indian Cricket Results in Anil Kumble & Virat Kohli Rift

India is country with Cricket as Religion. People worship Cricketers as Demigods. All Cricket stars are celebrities here. Because of hyped publicity given to this game and players many other games and sports have suffered with step motherly treatment in this nation. 

Recently World Champion Indian Archers Grilled in Airport ...  shows the apathy of other sportsmen in this nation. While Captain of a Cricket Team has veto power to decide who should be present in Commentary Panel and who should be the coach of the National team. The ridiculous fact is commentator with reputation of Harsha Bhogle is dropped from BCCI commentary panel for criticizing superstar players is height of 'Super Star' aka celebrity culture prevailing in Indian Cricket Board -BCCI both of the field and on the field.

No Celebrity status-World Champion Archers: PC India Today


The current controversy of Rift between Indian National Coach Intellect Anil Kumble and the short tempered Captain of Indian Team Virat Kohli, is best example of veto power exercised by super star players on coaches who have contributed immensely to the team as players in their tenure. As a result of super power of Kohli Kumble will be unceremoniously removed from the post soon, as per the developments happening in Cricketing circles.

All these rumors have gained momentum with the open allegation of noted Historian and Committee of Administration- COA member of BCCI, Ramachandr Guha.

 (read more here... Ramachandra Guha unfolds inside story of Indian Cricket)  

 Dr. Guha has clearly brought out conflict of Interests prevailing in Indian Cricket where he has mentioned the names of Sunil gavaskar playing dual role of heading Professional Management Group and also being in BCCI Commentary panel, Sourav Ganguly Being President of West Bengal Cricket Association and a Media commentator, Rahul Dravid playing dual role of Coach of India 'A' and also mentor of Delhi Dare Devils.

PC: Google Images: Rift Between Coach & Captain


He has also brought out the scam involving M. S Dhoni, being maintained as Grade 'A' Player even though he has not played Test cricket for months together. 

The BCCI administrators have to consider this lambasting from Veteran Columnist and restore the pride of Cricket, otherwise, 'AAM ADMI'--the common man like us will stop respecting these so called celebrities whom we treat as demigods and as personalities who bring laurel to TRI-COLOUR, and start treating them as BUSINESS MINDS in SPORTS SHOES! 

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ಕ್ರಿಕೆಟ್ ಸ್ಟಾರ್ಸ್ ಮಾಡುವುದು ಹೊಟ್ಟೆಗ್ಗಾಗಿ ಜುಟ್ಟು ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆಗಾಗಿ 

ಗಾರ್ಮೆಂಟ್ ನೌಕರರೂ ಮಾಡುವುದು ಹೊಟ್ಟೆಗಾಗಿ ತುಂಡು ಬಟ್ಟೆಗಾಗಿ 

ದೇಶ ಪ್ರೇಮ ಅನ್ನೋದು ಬರೀ ಡೊಂಗಿಗಾಗಿ !

Wednesday 31 May 2017

K. R Nandini From Karnataka Tops IAS Results 2016

U.P.S.C Results for 2016 is announced by Govt of India. For the second time in history of I.A.S examinations, Karnataka candidate has secured First rank in Prestigious Civil Services Examinations. It is Ms. Nandini K.R, from Kolar who did her graduation in engineering from M.S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in Civil Engineering Discipline.  

Nandini K. R is currently officer at Indian Revenue Department. She took her coaching in a study circle operating from Vijaynagar Bengaluru. In top 25, 18 Men candidates have secured place and 7 women have secured coveted position. This is Nandini's 4th attempt in UPSC exams. She had cracked 2014 exams and is currently serving in Indian Revenue Service.
Nandini K R, Topper-2016 IAS

 Interestingly She is Backward Community Girl and has topped 1099 candidates who have qualified this time. In 1099 846 are men and 253 are women. The topper among men candidates is Anmol Singh Bedi, Also an Engineer from BITS Pilani Institutes.
Speaking to Kannada Public News Channel her parents were extremely happy for their daughter's achievement.
 Read More.....

ಕೋಲಾರದ ಚಿನ್ನದ ಹುಡುಗಿ 
ಭಾರತದ ಆಡಳಿತ ಸೇವೆಗೆ ಪ್ರಥಮ 
ಇದೆ ಅಲ್ವಾ ಸಾಧನೆ

Monday 29 May 2017

Forus & Hippocampus: Startups that have Revolutionized Healthcare & Primary Education

India has huge population, providing Primary Education and Healthcare at affordable cost is mirage even to Governments. Education is becoming costlier day by day and Healthcare at super specialty hospitals is like reaching to stars for masses of this country.
When these two issues couldn't be addressed by Govt as well as NGOs with right direction.
Indian Youth have come up with a business model through startups to address Educational & Healthcare needs of masses. Two such startups are Hippocampus and Forus both started operation from city of Bangalore in Karnataka.

Hippocampus Learning Centres:

It is a brainchild of Ex-Infosys techie Mr. Umesh Malhotra, an IIT-Madras graduate. Umesh who was in team of Infosys which got listed in NASDAQ in year 1999, quit Infosys to venture into his own IT company called Bangalore Labs, which he sold to an IT services company called Planet One Asia in 2002.
He later inclined towards Education sector and initiated activities of procuring Library books for the children of needy sections of the society. While working on this social cause of giving access to knowledge, Umesh realized the cons faced by Educational sector of our Nation. Thus initiated a new venture of reaching out to masses to provide Head-Start to kids of underprivileged rural sections of India by providing quality Pre-School Education of Three Years. Thus the 'Hippocampus Learning Centres' came into play in Mandya District and Davanagere districts of Karnataka in year 2011. 
PC: Google Images

Today Hippocampus has expanded across the states of Karnataka and Maharashtra with 285 and 12 centres respectively.    
When the Govt. run Anganvadi schools are struggling to compete with posh upmarket infrastructure based schools, Hippocampus is providing affordable pre-schooling in rural sections of our nation. Most importantly it is not a charity show but a business model that has provided Job opportunities to young teachers and knowledge to rural kids.
Let more and more Umesh Malhotras' flourish and cherish on our Mother Earth.

Visit Hippocampus webportal:

Forus Healthcare

The whooping cost of medical care in India is a nightmare to rural masses. Providing free healthcare is still mirage to Govt. In such a context, Forus Healthcare has come up with innovative products in the field of Ophthalmology, so that Eye-Testing cost is drastically reduced and also the travel time involved in rural masses visiting city hospitals is eliminated with use of Portable Eye testing equipment called Tri-Netra (Meaning: THREE-EYES).

Forus Healthcare started in year 2010 is brainchild of Dr. Shyam Vasudeva Rao, an Engineer and Academician who later took up the roles of an entrepreneur to cater to the needs of needy sections of society in health care. Today 25 countries are using Forus Eye scanner and in India masses in villages which lack roads to commute are being provided treatment by using these Portable Eye-Scanners. Most importantly a driver who carries this Tri-Netra eye scanner to rural places himself can operate it and send reports to a doctor sitting in city head Quarters.
Today Forus has grown as 13 Billion company.Visit Forus Healthcare here...

Read More Info of about such startups which have revolutionized the Society here!!!

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ಸರ್ಕಾರ/GOVT  ಮಾಡಲಾರ್ದನ್ನು
M N C ಮಾಡಲಾರ್ದನ್ನು
StartUp ಮಾಡ್ತೀವೆ ಮಾರಾಯರೇ !

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Priyadarshini- A Five year kid makes Karnataka proud in skating

A Five Year old girl Priyadarshini Hiremat from Karwar has made a remarkable record in Limbo Skating by crossing 40 bars placed at an height of 6.5 feet by crossing them in reverse direction and was blind folded for the entire event. Priyadarshini has proved that she is Born to Win... (Watch Video here).
A New Record in Limbo Skating By a Five Year Kid From Karnataka: Prajavani Picture

This story reminded me of recent incidence of a girl by name Kaveri being drowned to death within a newly laid Bore-well, which tells ours is a country of conflicting-society, where time and again we fail to safe guard life of small kids through our apathetic social behaviours and actions and at the same time we have parents who guide their kids to pinnacle of glory in their field of interest. If our society behaves with little more concern towards saving valuable lives of this motherland, We can nurture millions of Priyadarshinis who can bring Laurel to both country and parents.

Monday 24 April 2017

GOOGLE's DOODLE Respect to Dr.Rajkumar

Dr. Rajkumar aka Mutturaj is undisputed Thespian of Kannada film industry and Karnataka. A personality that has imbibed simplicity and values to core. A matinee Idol who did not misused Fan following to reap Political mileage, which is an aberration  from other contemporary stars of his period who hijacked their 'Heroism-Image' on screen to gain political powers. A person who maintained same physic throughout his career is amazing, to be precise his son Mr.Puneet Rajkumar has recently revealed in an interview that Dr. Raj maintained 32 waist size throughout his career of 50 years read more.... An icon who practised YOGA rigorously, A Matinee Idol who was not only an actor but fabulous singer! Moreover He was a person known for simplicity who never looked into monetary aspects of acting and never exhibited stardom or superstar ego that celebrities are known to possess with them.

Yes, any one who possess talent becomes celebrity obviously and India is known for celebrity worship, But this star of Kannada and Karnataka addressed his fans as "ABHIMANI DEVARUGALU" (GOD in form of  FAN ) should be remembered on his Birth anniversary (April 24th) for his SIMPLICITY and Google has shown its respect to this icon through its DOODLE is a meaningful and we Kannadigas are overwhelmed by this gesture. read more.....
Dr Rajkumar Doodle on ೨೪th april ೨೦೧೭

Coming back to simplicity that this Thespian possessed within him I have to narrate few incidences so that younger generation also can understand What kind of Personality Dr. Raj was?!

My school days friend by Preetam Gubbi, narrated this incidence to me, Once Preetam had visited Dr. Rajkumar's residence with his uncle who was a I.A.S officer. Believe me or not Dr. Raj who was at its peak of success as Superstar of Karnataka had not only welcomed the guests from gate to hall but for the entire period of their stay at his residence was Standing beside their sofa to serve the guests. But also had made a remark that "It's his honour to receive and serve a person who is highly educated!" This is an incidence which millions of Kannadigas have experienced while interacting with Dr. Raj.

The other incidence was Dr. Raj never use to carry big wallet or huge some of money with him, He had once lost his watch in a big crowd of fans also. This is an incidence I read in one of his biographies, Once Dr. Raj and his brother Mr.Vardanna were travelling in car and in a signal a street side beggar asked for money. Dr Raj asked his brother Vardanna to donate money and Vardanna handed over 500 I.N.R note, Dr. Raj was having an impression he had handed over only 100 Rupees and should have donated more, When Vardanna told him he donated 500 Rupees Dr. Raj was surprised as he was not aware that RBI had released Rs. 500 currency in India! He with an element of astonishment took another currency from his brother to realize How 500 rupees currency looks like!
Yes, He was an actor and singer to core and was detached from rest of the aspects which revolves around celebrity stars of Today. It's an honour to Google India also for releasing Doodle of such an amazing Human Being.

ಫಸ್ಟ್ Sip
'ಬೇಡರ ಕಣ್ಣಪ್ಪ' ನಾಗಿ ನಮ್ಮ ಮುಂದೆ ಬಂದ ಮುತ್ತಣ್ಣ
ಬಂಗಾರದ ಮನುಷ್ಯನಾಗಿ ಮಿಂಚಿ
ದೇವತಾ ಮನುಷ್ಯನಾಗಿ ಚಿರವಾಗಿ ನಮ್ಮಲಿ ನೆಲೆಸಿರುವೆ ಅಣ್ಣ!


Sunday 16 April 2017

Total Indian Men Show @ Singapore Badminton Tourney Finals

Prakash Padukone, Vimal kumar & Gopichand are names that had earned reputation in Badminton game as Indian stars. Recently it has been all P.V Sindhu and Saina Nehwal show in Indian Badminton arena. So men players were not in limelight in recent tournaments and it has been Women Duo of Sindhu and Saina who earned laurels to our country.
For a change first time in Badminton History two Indian players have played in Final of an international tournament (Singapore Open Tournament) and they are Sai Praneet and K. Srikant. The final which has gone for three sets with scores 17-21, 21-17, 21-12 in favour of Sai praneet has made Indians proud that both runner and winner are from our country.read more...
Indian Badminton Star Sai Praneet: Winner of Singapore Open Tournament

When entire nation will be busy betting in IPLT20, fixtures which has become number one Betting-Place dethroning Derby Horse Races from top position, This scintillating performance of Badminton Players goes unnoticed in our Main stream and Social Media.   
The other star of this tournament is K. Srikant who has been consistently performing in international arena in recent past.
Runner up Srikant K
It has been golden period in Indian Badminton sports, with P.V Sindhu, Saina Nehwal, Sai Praneet and Srikant putting up nice performances in recent past.While entire media news channels to sports channels and Social Media is busy with IPLT20, This performance needs much attention of country men and the same is the motto of this post.

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ದೇಶಕ್ಕೆ ದೇಶವೇ Branded ಐಪಿಎಲ್-ಟಿ-೨೦ ಎಂಬ ಡ್ರಿಂಕ್ಸ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ ತೇಲುತ್ತಿರುವಾಗ 
ಬ್ಯಾಡ್ಮಿಂಟನ್ 'Fresh  Fruit Drink ' ಆದ ಸಾಯಿ ಪ್ರಣೀತ್ ಆಟ ಯಾರಿಗೆ ಕಾಣ್ಸುತ್ತೆ ಅಣ್ಣತಮ್ಮ 

Friday 7 April 2017

Not Racism But Casteism Country!

Mr. Tarun Vijay of B.J.P, tries to claim India is not Racist by passing remarks that WHITE ARYANS have accepted BLACK DRAVIDIANS read more read more.... But the ugly picture is India is a country that is ruined and ruled on the basis of CASTE. Give me one single instance of our political parties giving B-FORM for elections which is not based on CASTE!
Day before yesterday a Dalit Bridegroom was attacked by so called Upper Class hooligans for carrying out wedding procession on a Horse in Haryana read more.... We discriminate People on the basis of Food they consume, which is the most ugliest aspect for any civilisation. 
Indian marriages are done on the basis of caste even today many Dalits were beaten up in BJP ruled states of Gujrat and Rajasthan.
To claim we believe in universal brotherhood through Sanskrit quotes of Vasudaiva Kutumbakam and practising Casteism in every walks of life is the hypocrisy of Indian society.
Is this not racism?

Here are Instances of Casteism which is deeply rooted in our blood:
  • Electing C.M, P.M is not completely free from caste factor
  • MP seats, MLA seats are distributed based on caste
  • Vegetarian food habit is considered as Highest class society
  • In Non-Vegetarian food takers BEEF eaters are treated as Anti-nationalists
  • Every Hindu caste and sub caste has a separate mutt/pontiff
  • All Hindus are not given same treatment in Temples of worship while offering food
  • Indian Matrimony sites talk about Caste based search preferences!
  • Worshipping One sect of God is intolerable to other sect 
  • We call Ourselves UNITY IN DIVERSITY country in wrapper, But It is Caste and religion based Divided society 
  • HINDI is considered as National language while other languages are not?!
Finally How can Tarun Vijay declare India as RACISM FREE nation is million rupees question!?

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Bangalore Cheapest City of INDIA to Lead Happy Life

Bangalore has one more feather in its cap. After being adjudged as one of the Clean City in India by Swacch Bharat Mission, Next it was adjudged as VIBRANT ASIAN city by world organizations. Now City has one more distinction as CHEAPEST CITY IN INDIA or Third Cheapest city in world. Three more cities to take place in top ten list of cheapest cities are Chennai in 6th place, Mumbai at 7th place and New Delhi at 10th place respectively.
Affordable market on  streets 

The survey by Economic Intelligence Unit (E.I.U) read more is carried out by considering various commodities prices like food, drink,clothing, groceries, home rent, transport, private schools,domestic help, recreational services and many more services and products which amount to 160 in count.    

redefining Bangalore transport system -Metro Train

In my opinion the availability of daily needs, basic needs and recreational services in wide array of choice ranging from needs of a daily wages earner to upmarket techie/management professionals and business tycoons makes Bangalore most affordable place.
Tasty Mobile  canteens  of  Bangalore 

  • A decade ago friends from Chennai used to complain about HOME RENTS and Real estate costs in Bengaluru, But today given its uniform landscape, Today All segments of society can afford to purchase or lease or rent a living place.

  • Further availability of Multi-cuisine food chains at street side tasty vendors to five star hotels makes FOOD not a problem for any demographics human being in our city. Darshini Chain of hotels to Halli-Mane, Non-Vegetarian hotels, MCDonalds, DOMINO PIZZA, KFC, FIVE STAR CHICKEN centres to GOLI VadaPav centres galore in city   

  • 'NAMMA METRO' which is getting operational completely by APRIL-2017 should reduce the Transportation woes of city which is often blamed as "TRAFFIC-JAM/CHOKE"city by outsiders.
  • Citizens of Bengaluru have quickly adopted to OLA CABS/UBER CAB type of public transport services too which is one more factor that can help commuters to use less private vehicles
  • Home needs are available to all sections of  society like BIG FOOD BAZAARS to small Buy N Save shops to shopkeepers and street hawkers, the city has offers to every one
  • Recreation in Multiplex Malls or Small single screen theatres are available at various prices.
  • Hospitals range from super speciality to govt hospitals and many mid segment Nursing homes galore in city, You want Television services from Branded DISH TV Providers or local cable operators you have dime-dozen providers 
All in all, You do Cashless Business using CARDS or PAY-TM, RECHARGE or buy through Hard cash Bangalore affords services to all sections of society. Hope Bangalore Remains Cheapest City with better services in future too...

ಕೆಂಪೇ ಗೌಡರ ನಾಡು ಬೆಂದಕಾಳೂರು 
ಎಲ್ಲರ ಬದುಕಿನ ಬೆಸ್ಟ್ Best ಊರು ಆಗಿದೆ ಬಾಸು 


Friday 17 March 2017

Inspiring Patriotism MIME & a Short Movie for Women's Day

Youth Energy is abundant when it is channelised in proper direction. Today ,Youth celebrate college fests, National days like Independence Day and Republic Day along with Neo-age-celebrations like Valentine Day, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Friendship Day with utmost enthusiasm. These celebrations are marked with Short Movies or SKITS or MIMES by some creative young souls. 
I was lucky enough for having witnessed a MIME show by students of Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bengaluru a team of I.S.E branch students put up an excellent performance in a MIME show with theme- 'Patriotism Journey of India' at SANKALP-2K17
MME@ sankalp-2k17

True to the creativity of current generation, The show depicted not only patriotic acts of pre-independence era like Chitradurga's Onakke Obavva, Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekar Azaad, Sukdev trio, Mahatma Gandhi saga and they didn't stop at this they proceeded to Post-independence era by remembering Dr. Abdul Kalam and his missile achievements, Brave act of our soldiers in Kargil War and Cricket's winning performances at World Cup fixtures. This clearly depicts Patriotism beyond war fields is also given importance by current day youths.
Coming to the performance of artists, The way Indian Missile launching mission was exhibited is pinnacle of creativity and words can't capture it only visuals can do justice to it.  Amongst so many entertaining performances at SANKALP-2K17, This MIME show was really meaningful.
A Pic From #SHEFORHER, Short Movie

Last week witnessed Women's Day Celebration across the globe and Indians too celebrated this year's Women day with lot of excitement and enthusiasm. A creative team called Gypsy Moth has come up with a Short Movie-available at YouTube link  #SHEFORHER,  is an excellent one that put forward the old adage " Is Women true Enemy of Women?" and provides a brand new solution of How women can actually come up with an open gesture at home, office or street to stand by her is depicted well within available small time period of this movie. 

These two creative acts of youngsters made me realise how meaningful was the quote of Swami Vivekananda which says -- "Every Soul is Potentially Divine", we have to just nourish it and channelise in right direction instead of blaming and cursing current day Youth as spoilt fruits.

Last SIP

ಯುವಕರು ಎಂದಿಗೂ ಕ್ರಿಯಾಶೀಲರೇ
ಅವರಿಗೆ ಮುಂದೆ ಗುರಿ ಹಿಂದೆ ಗುರು ದೊರೆಯಬೇಕು ಅಷ್ಟೇ !

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Karnataka BUDGET-2K17: Good One for Movie Buffs & Party Makers!!

Our C.M, Mr. Siddaramaiah has presented Budget for year 2017-18 and key highlight being: All the Multiplex Movie halls have to compulsorily exhibit Kannada Movies and most important aspect is movie tickets will not cost more than 200 I.N.R! Really Movies was the cheapest entertainment for common man of this Nation for decades and with influx of globalization and liberalization and entry of Malls and multiplex theaters tickets rates had sky rocketed and to watch the movies with family in weekends has become costly affair.

No doubt, Multiplex theaters do offer good ambience for cine lovers but the whooping cost of tickets on weekends makes it not an affordable entertainment for many of us. But this move to cap the cost of tickets at max Rs.200 is a good move of our Govt.
One more interesting news for weekend party makers is--- 'Liquor will not have VAT-Value Added Tax'!
Siddu posing before presenting budget-17-2018

Other important highlights of this Budget is:

  1. Person Marrying Physically Challenged partner will receive 50,000 I.N.R as Govt's gift
  2. Nearly 1.5 Lakh College students will receive FREE-Laptops
  3. Similar to AMMA Canteen of Tamil Nadu, NAMMA CANTEEN will start operations in Karnataka to offer cheap breakfast and meals
  4.  Women Entrepreneurs to receive 50 Crores Loan from Govt.
  5. 10000 Primary Teachers will be recruited in a year
  6. Retirement age of Private Employees is raised from 58 to 60
  7. Reservation for Kannadigas in Private Sector
  8. Six New Medical colleges to be started
  9. 16500 Nurses will receive TABS
  10. New Solar Power Plant in Tumkur Pavagada
  11. Electric Bus to ply on Bengaluru and Mysuru cities
More Budget News....More Budget News....


Thursday 9 March 2017

Sankalp 2k17 Updates: Short Movies Feast At Sapthagiri College of Engineering

Sankalp-2k17 Fest of Sapthagiri College of Engineering witnessed burgeoning number of short movies exhibition. Among few selected ones had excellent message to give to the young society. While majority of these movies revolved around Love Theme or Examination theme, Few touched upon aspects of Ragging menace and Friendships at Campus. Also aspects of Social Evils like Smoking and addictions were themes of few movies. irrespective of the themes selected, many of them depicted humour in narration and it was rare that a movie missed out songs from recent Kannada flick, 'KIRIK PARTY' being used for background score. Also the Directors relied upon Horror and Thriller style of narration which has become common phenomenon in Kannada Sandalwood industry in recent past.
The jury members and audience also felt that 15 minutes of time period allotted for each movie was more which directly affected the crispy way of screenplay narration. Though all movies entertained the audience in one or the other aspects.    
Here is few handpicked movies that had appealing plots and creativity embedded in them:


It is a movie about two die hard friends who join the same college to do engineering for basic branches of engineering Civil and Mechanical respectively. Rohit and Rohan support each other in every aspect of their student life.
Despite the KIRIKS of colleges movie has an interesting- Horror plot which makes audience astonished. Also the theme of movie to maintain discipline in Hostel and campus is well depicted.  


The movie title is meaningful for the plot and has a story where an Unknown person guides a newbie in college regarding importance of studies and role of parents in building the careers of these youngsters. This Movie also uses flashback technique and Ghost techniques to portray the subject.


The most heart touching movie is 'HASIVU' with short and crispy narration. The Movie throws light on Importance of Food management in this imbalanced world, where Millions of tonnes of food goes waste due to carelessness of citizens. Movie also portrays effectively a theme based on quote: " WRONG ATTITUDE IS THE ONLY DISABILITY" on this mother earth that can become burden to peaceful and happy living. The Movie carries social message more effectively than any of its counterparts.


Also Of-Beat movies like Animation and Travel Diary also attracted wide acceptance from audience, Overall wide array of messages were depicted in these budding film makers movies But many failed to portray it with professionalism that is much needed today to sustain in Today's competitive arena. In all it was overwhelming response from youngsters to make movies and etch a mark for themselves in this art. for Movie Clips...click here  

Tuesday 7 March 2017

SANKALP-2K17: College Fest of Sapthagiri Engineering College on Roll

Sapthagiri College of Engineering is one of the prominent Engineering colleges of Bengaluru, Had its College Fest Inaugurated in an unique way on March 6th 2017. One Week Festivity at Sapthagiri Campus is on roll and students are enjoying every bit of it, whose finale will be on Saturday 2017.
The opening ceremony was remarkable as DOLLU KUNITA- Folk Drum Artists of Karnataka performed and students and faculty members danced to the folk tunes making the amphitheatre of Sapthagiri campus a buzzing place.

The formal Inauguration was done by Managing Director Mr. Manoj D by releasing balloons, pigeons and spreading message of 'Go-Green' by planting a sapling in the lush green campus of Sapthagiri college.

The second day witnessed frenzy fight in TUG of WAR competition where Electrical and Electronics Engineering Students pulled Civil Engineers onto floor to be declared WINNERS. Events like Face Painting, Android Gaming, Paper Dance, Arm wrestling for Faculty members gained exciting support from viewers. Many events like Cook without Fire, Pick and Speak, Dumb Charades received applauds from the crowd.
SANKALP-2K17, Sapthagiri College Fest Inaugurated with 'Dollu kunita'

The one week Fest is going to hit pinnacle of entertainment with major Stage shows scheduled for weekend (Friday and Saturday).   

Balloon Released for Sankalp-2k17 inauguration

This is 17th Sankalp at Sapthagiri Campus and students will throng the amphitheatre on Saturday to witness high voltage entertainmnet from performers from Civil, Computer Science,Electrical, Electronics, Information Science and Royal Mechanical students. The Event also includes Sports Day celebration with students competing for titles in Cricket, Kabaddi, Table Tennis, Basket Ball and throw ball games.