Thursday 9 March 2017

Sankalp 2k17 Updates: Short Movies Feast At Sapthagiri College of Engineering

Sankalp-2k17 Fest of Sapthagiri College of Engineering witnessed burgeoning number of short movies exhibition. Among few selected ones had excellent message to give to the young society. While majority of these movies revolved around Love Theme or Examination theme, Few touched upon aspects of Ragging menace and Friendships at Campus. Also aspects of Social Evils like Smoking and addictions were themes of few movies. irrespective of the themes selected, many of them depicted humour in narration and it was rare that a movie missed out songs from recent Kannada flick, 'KIRIK PARTY' being used for background score. Also the Directors relied upon Horror and Thriller style of narration which has become common phenomenon in Kannada Sandalwood industry in recent past.
The jury members and audience also felt that 15 minutes of time period allotted for each movie was more which directly affected the crispy way of screenplay narration. Though all movies entertained the audience in one or the other aspects.    
Here is few handpicked movies that had appealing plots and creativity embedded in them:


It is a movie about two die hard friends who join the same college to do engineering for basic branches of engineering Civil and Mechanical respectively. Rohit and Rohan support each other in every aspect of their student life.
Despite the KIRIKS of colleges movie has an interesting- Horror plot which makes audience astonished. Also the theme of movie to maintain discipline in Hostel and campus is well depicted.  


The movie title is meaningful for the plot and has a story where an Unknown person guides a newbie in college regarding importance of studies and role of parents in building the careers of these youngsters. This Movie also uses flashback technique and Ghost techniques to portray the subject.


The most heart touching movie is 'HASIVU' with short and crispy narration. The Movie throws light on Importance of Food management in this imbalanced world, where Millions of tonnes of food goes waste due to carelessness of citizens. Movie also portrays effectively a theme based on quote: " WRONG ATTITUDE IS THE ONLY DISABILITY" on this mother earth that can become burden to peaceful and happy living. The Movie carries social message more effectively than any of its counterparts.


Also Of-Beat movies like Animation and Travel Diary also attracted wide acceptance from audience, Overall wide array of messages were depicted in these budding film makers movies But many failed to portray it with professionalism that is much needed today to sustain in Today's competitive arena. In all it was overwhelming response from youngsters to make movies and etch a mark for themselves in this art. for Movie here  

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