Friday 19 January 2018

7 Inspiring Teachers From India

Teachers are the primary source of inspiration for the students. Here is a list of 7 Indian teachers who have proven their prowess by challenging the obstacles posed by life to disseminate knowledge for the students of deprived sections of the society.
1.     Mr. Abdul Malik- A Teacher whose daily mode of commuting is swimming
It is common that Teachers come to school by their own vehicle or school bus isn’t it? But meet this Mathematics teacher Abdul Malik from a place called Malappuram in Kerala, India. He daily swims across a channel built for Kadalundi River to reach the school in time. Please don’t jump to the conclusion that he should be crazy to do so. He has a definite purpose behind this venture. As his school is surrounded by river on three sides for him to commute by road takes 3 hours of strenuous journey for covering mere distance of 12 KMs. In addition he has to walk 2 KM stretch before reaching the school. One fine day through his colleagues he came to know about the shorter river route. From then onwards he is swimming across the river to reach the school by using a vehicle tube as the ‘life jacket’. Moreover he is renowned amongst students as one of the punctual teacher who never misses a class.  The school which is blessed with such a dedicated teacher is Muslim Lower Primary School situated at a place called Padinjattumuri in Malappuram district of Kerala state.
2.     Ms. Basanti Kumari- A Para teacher uses her legs to write on Blackboard
Basanti Kumari was born with a disability in a low income family in the state of Jharkhand in India. She didn’t have upper limbs by birth but took up the challenge of graduating in B.A (Bachelor of Arts) successfully. In year 2005 she got appointed as a Para teacher at Rorabandh Karmik School of Jharkhand on contractual basis. Since then she has mastered the art of writing on blackboards with legs and balancing her body with exemplary precision. She even corrects the student assignment copies with legs and has never felt she is handicapped. The quote “Sometimes the things we can’t change end up changing us” aptly suits this teacher.

YouTube Video of Basanti Kumari writing:
3.     Ms. Venil Ali- Quit Lucrative job offers to teach slum children
A person often meets her destiny on the road she took to avoid it” quote suits this teacher Venil Ali.  Venil Ali never wanted to be a teacher. She reluctantly took up teaching the slum children as part of her B.Sc course work internship assignment. But she fell in love with teaching and gave up her aspirations to be in corporate world and started teaching slum children free of cost. Today she has an organization called LEAP- Let’s Educate All People through which she is educating underprivileged students of the society.

4.     Mr. Sanjay Rathore- Police by Profession Teacher by Passion
Mr. Sanjay Rathore is a law graduate based in Indore city in Madhya Pradesh state of India. Mr. Rathore is currently serving as a police officer in Indore.  As a police officer he got an opportunity to join hands with a NGO to teach slum children in his locality. He took this opportunity with utmost enthusiasm. But unfortunately the NGO abruptly stopped offering this programme. Mr. Rathore was very much pleased with this assignment he singlehandedly continued this programme with a name called ‘Sanjeevini Balamitra’ and today more than 100 teachers voluntarily teach underprivileged children free of cost. Mr. Rathore teaches computer basics, General knowledge, Yoga and moral science subjects.
5.     Baby Muskaan- Considered as world’s youngest librarian
In year 2015, as part of a New Year initiative, Education Department officers from the city of Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh state of India visited a neighboring slum to do reality check of knowledge acquired by slum dwelling children. They hosted a quiz competition.  Muskaan Ahirwar then a 9 year old girl emerged victorious in the competition and won 25 books as prize. She was assigned the responsibility of persuading the children in her locality to read those books.  Every day after school hours this girl not only summoned the children but also made them to read these books. Her success story reached up to the level of Chief Minister of the state and today she does the role of disseminating knowledge in a well set up library with more than 1000 Books in its collection.
6.     Ms. Shaheen Mistri- Woman behind Teach for India initiative
Shasheen Mistri had rich experience of travelling across the globe with her parents. In year 1989 she was studying at prestigious Tuft University, US and was on vacation tour to India with her parents. One day she was commuting on traffic choked streets of Mumbai in a car and a group of small children rushed to her car pleading for alms. The very incidence shook her from inside and she questioned the very purpose of her studies abroad. Very next day she quit her studies and decided to relocate to India and educate millions of children in need of proper education. Today the Akanksha Foundation and most reputed Teach for India initiatives which have changed the educational scenario in India are brainchild of this lady.

7.     Mr. Anand Kumar—Savior for millions of competitive exam aspirants through free coaching
Anand Kumar is a published Mathematician from the state of Bihar in India. He has become darling for all the students who aspire to get educated at reputed Indian Institute of Technology by offering free of cost coaching classes for competitive examinations. Through his programme called super-30 (which was initiated way back in year 2002) through which more than 350 students have successfully made it into IITs. He has been considered as renowned mentor who is working hard to uplift the students of backward communities.

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