Saturday 31 December 2016

Shivraj kumar Thrilling Stunt & Safety Concerns

Shivrajkumar has retained his evergreen hero image in Kannada film industry even at age of 50 Plus. This century star is known for his action and dance sequences from his debut movie Anand. Those of us who have watched his 'Anand' movie still remembers his adventure on roof tops of Bangalore city houses to escape from Police. He had executed these stunts without any dupes. He is known for his mercurial dance steps at this middle age of life cycle. Here is Shivrajkumar repeating such adventurous action by leaning beneath a running train for a fight sequence of his movie 'SRIKANTA' to be released on 6th of January 2017.  The action scene has made people again to debate about the safety measures taken by our Fight-Directors and Directors of Movies, as we all know very recently two budding antagonist role playing actors of Kannada Industry, lost their life during climax of a Movie called MastiGudi lost life due to carelessness of Stunt master and director in taking precautionary measures.       
Shivarajkumar does dangerousTrain Stunt for this movie

Hollywood Vs Sandalwood in Precautionary measures

Our Film makers even after Mastigudi incidence and death of two budding stars has not learnt any lesson. Long back in one of the Movie called 'Lockup Death' two stunt masters had met with serious injurious while executing Bike Stunts in Subramanyanagar grounds. Whether the fresh train stunt by Shivrajkumar was done with proper precautionary measures or not only the concerned director should reveal. Unlike Hollywood where precaution is of utmost concern here in India we neglect precautionary measures as LIFE is not considered to be as precious as profit making and thus risking lives. Consider the incidences of our street side performers who risk their life for penny donations people gathered might donate.

Mastgudi Film Stunt actors lost life in climax of movie

College Youths Risking their Life

College youth today go for picnics to water bodies like lakes and rivers and to pose themselves as great swimmers in front of friends risk their life by entering into water bodies without knowing the consequences of swimming in such water bodies. Recently medical students were washed away in back waters of a river as they were swimming without being aware dam water will be released and they got washed away. Adventure is required true but we have places to do adventure not amidst Nature without precaution. Take incidences of road accidents in Highways of our state or country, Youth consider Highway is meant for racing, instead they should go for go-carting or racing fields to do race.On this new year eve it is once again better to remember that 'SPEED THRILLS BUT KILLS' and hope the coming year 2017 will be free from incidences like MASTI-GUDI tragedy.

Happy New Year 2017!    

Friday 30 December 2016

Celebrities & Society Concerns

Celebrities are often treated as Demigods especially in Indian context. we have built Temples to film stars and Late. J. Jayalalitha, Former C.M of Tamil Nadu is no exception. She has been given a tribute by constructing Temple in her memory. Such is the fanatic following our people exhibit towards the celebrities. Scahin Tendulkar is Cricketing GOD in this Nation. Cine stars have mad fan following in all states of this Nation. But are these Celebrities Role Models in real world?! For this question few positive answers forge ahead in front of our eyes, two such celebrities though not of M.S.Dhoni or Virat Kohli Stature are presented in this post. Two celebrity from Bollywood and Kannada cinema have shown great concern towards the downtrodden sections of society by volunteering to help them.

The first celebrity is Mr. Chetan, actor from Kannada Film Industry, who flew back home from USA to contribute something to the society through the field of Arts. He Has actively taken part in many social causes like Lokpal fight by ANNA Hazare to actively participating in Street Shows on social epidemics. He played excellent role in his debutant Movie "AA DINAGALU". This budding star Chetan has played a significant role in making the C.M of Karnataka to visit a place called Diddalli in Coorg, where Tribals the true inhabitants of forest were evacuated in name of Forest Protection move. As Mr. Chetan rightly points out many Coffee Estates and their bungalows in this place are not treated as encroachment by Forest Department, But these Tribals whose livelihood depends on forest are considered as illegal migrants is puzzling fact for any naive visitor also.
Most appealing aspect of Chetan's fight is he did not gave a flying visit like any celebrity does to the controversial place, He stayed overnight with tribals in this winter season and took the matter to the C.M of state and procured fresh tents and blankets for the Tribals from Govt. This is how any Celebrity can become a role model off the screen isn't it friends?
Chetan Kannada Actor, with Tribals: Courtesy-Kannadaprabha

Blankets Campaign to Slum & Street Dwellers

The next celebrity is Manoj Bajpai, noted actor from Bollywood, who is actively taking part in a campaign initiated at Delhi by N.G.O, Uday Foundation to provide Blankets to slum dwellers and street side dwellers of this Nation through a big and successful campaign of provide Blankets and save life. He has shared heart touching first hand experience of donating blankets to needy of slum clusters of Delhi, through his blog at N.D.TV news. We can also take part in Uday Foundation 'Blanket Drive' by contributing our little bit to the people who do not have comfort of Room-Heater or Blankets and Mattress in a comfortable home.

 Save a Life... Donate Blanket details


ಗಟ್ಟಿ ಕಾಳು ಯಾವುದು ಜೊಳ್ಳು ಯಾವುದು 
ಅನ್ನೋದು ಸಿನಿಮಾದ ಆಚೆ ತಿಳ್ಯೋದು ತಮ್ಮ , ಮಂಕುತಿಮ್ಮ 

Profession Watch: ASHA Volunteers & Turmoils

India is country with abundant population. Here Services of volunteers/Activists who work for so called 'Royalty'/'Honorarium' is burgeoning phenomenon. That too with unemployment haunting families, Women with little education background opt for volunteer services such as ANGANWADI-aka Day Care schools run by Govt. who take care of small kids with parents not having financial ability to admit their wards to upmarket Day care or Kindergartens. These Volunteers often face hiccups with respect to payment they have to receive from Govt. as salary or Honorarium. Ditto role of volunteers is played by women folks in Primary Health sector. These volunteers are called ASHA-DIDI's or ASHA-AMMA or ASHA-AKKA.
The Term 'ASHA' means hope in Indian languages and this scheme called ASHA- Accredited Social Health Activist is aimed at extending helping hands to folks of rural India in need of primary health services or information. Under this scheme Activists are provided a honorarium of Rupees 1000 by Central Govt. While remaining money has to be released by State Governments.
ASHA-Activists Protest @ Bengaluru Freedom Park: Courtesy Prajavani

Unfortunately  these ASHA Volunteers in state of Karnataka are facing apathy from State Govt. officials who have failed to deposit their hard earned money to their accounts through an Online portal called Asha Soft portal due to various reasons like offices not uploading the data of these activists earnings to Web-portal due to carelessness or due to unavailability of Internet or Power shut down etc. These Volunteers who are paid different fees as per the type of work assigned to them such as: Pregnant women Care: Rs.300, Participation in Meetings Rs.150, Escorting Pregnant Women for Delivery Rs.200, Participation in Vaccination schemes Rs.100. Such Honorariums/royalty is unpaid for months together by our State Govt. and These ASHA-Volunteers had stormed Bengaluru Freedom Park from various parts of state to demand for their rights and in spite of extensive Media Coverage, our State Govt. officials have shown blind-eye to these volunteers demands. The demand of these activists is to give fixed wages of Rupees Six Thousand like many other state governments such as Assam and Rajasthan have implemented the same successfully. While the Central Govt provides 1000 Rupees Grant State Govt is suppose to release same matching Grant which is unfortunately not getting deposited in their accounts. Totally in Karnataka alone 37000 ASHA Activists are in rolls. Will Govt. show concern towards these volunteers? and ease out their life is 6000 Rupees question haunting these women folks. Most annoying fact is they are utilized as brand ambassadors of Govt. Programmes to project the achievements of Govt. in their Publicity hoardings as "Biggest Network of Activists in World- ASHA."
Also the most disheartening fact about Women Workers in our Nation is unequal wages given to workers based on Gender in many unorganised sectors like farming construction and garment industries. The columnist Roopa Hassan, in Prajavani newspaper has rightly pointed out the fact that many work that demands patience is handed over to women folks as they possess that knack and are given a smaller pay package.  

ಲಾಸ್ಟ ಸಿಪ್ 
ವರ್ಷಕ್ಕೆ ಒಮ್ಮೆ ತಮ್ಮ ತುಟ್ಟಿ ಭತ್ಯೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳೋ ರಾಜಕಾರಣೆಗಳಿಗೆ, 
ಆಶಾ ಕಾರ್ಯಕರ್ತೆಯರ ಅಳಲು ಕೇಳುವುದಿಲ್ಲ ತಮ್ಮ,ಮಂಕುತಿಮ್ಮಾ !


Technology & Society:BHIM App isThumb Up App

Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar is icon who has been utilised by all political parties of our Nation to their benefit. Now our P.M is in full throttle to call HANGUTA-CHAP aka THUMB-IMPRESSION BASED APP as the tribute to our Constitution architect, Bhim Ambedkar the APP is christened as BHIM-App 

BHIM-BHarat Interface for Money App  

A mobile application that: 
  • Doesn't require a smart phone to do transactions
  • Doesn't require internet access
  • But APP should be downloaded initially from Android App store
  • Register your Bank account with the BHIM 
  • Set up an Unified Payment Interface -UPI PIN  
  • Use your THUMB impression and Phone Number to authentiacte yourself
  • To be linked using AADHAR card
  • (Note: P.M has given statistics that 100 Crores of Indian population have AADHAR card)
  • Transaction of 10,000 Rupees can be done as upper limit
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Remembered Time and Again for Different Reasons!

Finally Dr. Ambedkar, who was used for Vote Bank Politics by Congress is now utilised by B.J.P, which had nick name as Brahmin Janata Party or Baniya Janata Party amongst its detractors! This is a good strategy politically by P.M Narendra Modi, to shed the image of Baniya party. 

Technology has become a BOON for N.D.A  

Ever since the previous general elections was fought in our Nation, The developments in technological arena has become a BOON for Modi & Co. They utilised Social Media effectively to their advantage by trolls against Manmohan Singh and Co. Modi & Co. used Digital Shows and Screens effectively in their Campaign. Once they came to power series of campaigns of their programmes on micro blogging sites was done obsessively. They created an image as if the Govt. is working 24*7 for the people of Nation through Social Media wings.
The Govt. embracing AADHAR CARD scheme, initially they looked at it as inferior product due its origin dating back to U.P.A regime, But later embracing the same whole heartedly and linking it to JHAN DHAN Account, introducing 'Mann Ki Bhaat' on MODI-App, Introducing Digital India, Skill India, Make in India schemes utilising the Technological advancements in Internet and Mobile communications. Though these were minor programmes with respect to our current National Govt. Demonetisation was a major step which was make or break programme for this Govt.'s existence. Also Govt. is to some extent able to overcome hurdles faced in 50 days with the aide of Technology gadgets like wallets Pay TM, Freecharge, SBI Buddy etc.Even the opposition made remarks like :"Pay T M means -Pay To Modi

Demonetisation Followed By Cashless or Less Cash Society

Though Govt. shifted its Goal Post from Black money to Cashless Economy, it was able to manage the show as Technology came into their rescue. Many types of Cashless and Plastic Cash transactions, mobile banking came to the rescue of Govt. They took help of mobile wallet companies and their Mobile Apps by doing propaganda of such tools and many small vendors and street hawkers too started using PAY-TM stickers at their business centres. So, The present Govt. in my opinion has survived 50 Days of Acid Test after demonetisation due to technology tools not due to its vision or mission. If this govt. was having visionaries, they would haven't amended the R.B.I regulations 50 odd times in 50 days.


೨೦೧೭ quote  

೫೦೦, ೧೦೦೦ ಕ್ಕೆ ಬೈ ಬೈ 

ಭೀಮ್ app Pay -ಟಿ ಎಂ app ಗೆ welcome!

Thursday 29 December 2016

Life Value, Currency Value, Digital Value

Value of Life

Lalbagh renowned botanical garden of Bengaluru became graveyard for a Six year school boy Vikram Kumar, who had visited Lalbagh Gardens for Christmas holiday picnic. Even a botanical garden is not safe in our cities, leave aside city Roads and Highways. This Boy was crushed to death when he tried to sit on a Bird-Bath made of stone and the bird bath has slipped and fallen on him crushing him to death. Leave aside Scuba Diving facility or Water Parks offering adventures sports, A Garden is not following safety norms in our cities and is not safe for Kids to play. This reminds me of death of a lady travelling to office with her husband on two wheeler due to potholes in our roads that happened less than a year ago. LIFE in World's second densely populated Nation has no Value, is what I have to conclude because anything in excess has no value. Take instance of Demonetisation in this huge Nation, Death of nearly 50 persons directly or indirectly due to chaos of Demonetisation was rubbed aside citing reason 'Deaths during Revolution is common'. What Revolution happened in these 50 Days is in front of us. Still The people hoarding black-money are extended amnesty schemes by Govt. up to March 31st! Govt. has no proposal to put Black-money hoarders behind bar, So Why was such a huge Cry aka hungama done for such an act of demonetising money which is the role of Reserve Bank and not of Govt. in usual situations.more info...

Bird Bath Made of stone Kills a Boy in Lalbagh gardens, Bengaluru
So, Life is not precious in our Nation is my conclusion. Next let us take up currency and its value in our post.

Value of Currency 

From November 8th 2016 to December 30th 2016 People of this biggest democracy have witnessed how they have to spend Money scarcely as it is not available abundant in spite of it being their own earnings. A cause was associated with this demonetisation spree and the cause was to Punish the Corrupt and Felicitate the honest. But Corrupt chose their own ways to convert Black to Pink and it is now history. Further Govt. is extending amnesty to money hoarders as it is the most precious THING in this Nation though it doesn't possess LIFE. Whereas Deaths are compensated by giving Relief Funds to the near and dear ones of the deceased, Compensation is in form of CURRENCY! Yeah, Currency is more precious isn't it friends?
Still Blood Hasn't arrived: courtesy google images

Next let us move onto Value of technology in India.

Digital Deflation Food Inflation  

A Friend of mine brought one interesting fact about Pre-liberalization India and Post-liberalization India. In 1980s Samosa was costing 1 Rupee and STD telephone call was costing 10 rupees. If we look at cost of Dhal/Food grains it is available at whooping cost of 150 Rupees, (though current trend is indiacting more production of dhal will result in fall of its cost). while players like JIO is offering Internet free of cost. The Technology is available and accessible and food crops are becoming scare resource. With this background We have to look at the Govt. Initiatives to connect National metros with Express-Highways. currently Bangalore-Chennai Express Highway is making lot of noise. The Farmers in both states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are facing turmoil due to throwaway prices that might be offered to their agricultural lands. The Idea of Prosperity we have is so rubbish that to connect two cities which are already connected by Road, Train and Air, one more express highway is on cards while farmers agricultural land which cannot be replaced by any type of currency in future will be spoilt. So, Friends be ready to pay heavy price for Water, Food and Air in near future.

To conclude: Food will be precious ingredient while Life of human being is losing value in this mad rush of development called Money making!


ಕಂದಮ್ಮ ಗಳ ಜೀವಕ್ಕೇ ಬೆಲೆ ಇಲ್ಲಾ 
ಇನ್ನು ೧೦೦೦ ೫೦೦ ರ ಬೆಲೆ ಯಾರಿಗೆ ಬೇಕೂ? ತಮ್ಮಾ 

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Society Watch: Community Mass Marriages A Ray of Hope in Cash Crunch Days

When entire nation is reeling under cash crunch, Many Politicians hosted grand weddings making AAM-ADMI the common man a worried bunch. Such wedding ceremonies were questioned in media for few days and everyone have forgotten it by end of 50 Days of P.M's deadline on demonetisation. Common man was struggling to arrange 2.5 Lakhs from Banks for wedding ceremonies at their families. All this is now history. Amidst such insensitive bunch of politicians and business men, A ray of hope is seen in form of P.P Savani Groups a real estate firm based in Gujarat. This Real Estate firm has conducted community marriage for 236 brides and grooms. Most interestingly fatherless girls were facilitated to get married. This gesture of a Real estate firm where even Muslim and Christian community brides and grooms entered to wedlock is a welcome move. According to the report in Kannada daily this organisation is conducting such mass marriages for past five years consecutively. more info 
P.P Savani Group Hosted Mass marriage @ Surat-Gujarat

Community/ Mass Marriages in Karnataka

Karnataka state is well known for organising such mass marriage ceremonies in past and is an on going activity with few trusts like Shri. Manjunatha Dharmastala Temple Town Trust, under the guidance of Shri. D. Veerendra Heggade, Head of the trust. Dharmasthala trust has successfully conducted 45 such Mass marriages and this year 127 pairs have tied nuptial knot at Dharmasthala  
Mass marriage @ Dharmstahala Temple Town -Karnataka
While Dharmasthala is known for conducting mass marriages, Even Suttur Mutt is also known to host such mass marriages in Karnataka. Many other Mutts occasionally conduct such marriages and exhibit social concern. Even our State Govt. initiated such a marriage ceremony last year under the guidance of Mr. Anjaneya, Minister for Social welfare, where his daughter too entered into wedlock along with other pairs. Finally, whether it is demonetisation or not such simplicity in marriages is the need of our Nation.


ಗಂಟೆಗೊಮ್ಮೆ ಡ್ರೆಸ್ ಚೇಂಜ್ ಮಾಡುವ ಪಿ.ಎಂ ಸಿಂಪಲ್ಲಾ  ಅಲ್ವೋ ತಿಳಿಯೋದು ಕಷ್ಟ ,
ಆದ್ರೆ ಸಾಮೂಹಿಕ ವಿವಾಹ ಆಯೋಜಿಸಿದ ಗುಜರಾತ್ ನ್ ಸಂಸ್ಥೆ ಸಿಂಪಲ್ಲು ಅನ್ನೋದು ಸತ್ಯ 

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Khala Dhan Hatao:Is it a Remake Movie of Gareebi Hatao?

1970s witnessed Iron Lady of India Indira Gandhi's Rule now 2016 is witnessing Iron man Modiji rule. Both rules have similarities in many aspects and many political pundits have started analyzing the same. Indira Gandhi was projecting herself as Poor's Darling and brought in two major reforms in form of Nationalization of Banks and 'Tiller/Worker is the owner of Land' schemes and gave a slogan "Gareebi Hatao" which was famous in Indian history and had given her cushion of solid vote bank.  According to old timers Nationalization of Banks brought major chunk of poor sections of our society to Banking system otherwise they were exploited by private money lenders with their own exorbitant interest rates exploiting the poorer section of society. Iron Lady-Indira Gandhi brought in one more popular scheme where Landlords exploiting the agricultural laborers and bonded laborers problem was addressed by legislation that those working in Lands are the true owners and not landlords who are reaping the benefits sitting idle. Though Nationalization of Banks was success Making laborers landlords didn't yield the benefits it should have given.
ಗರೀಬಿ ಹಟಾವೋ ಪಿ.ಮ್ 

ಕಾಳ್ ಧನ್ ಹಟಾವೋ ಪಿ.ಮ್ 

If we closely analyze the two schemes of Nationalization of Banks and Laborer is the owner of land of Indiraji and compare with Modiji's Schemes of Jandhan, Demonetization and most awaited Benami Property scheme It appears like New Bottle and Wrapper With Old Wine in it! Both the Leaders enjoyed absolute majority in Parliament and dictated command over party men. Only Difference is Modiji is mainly targeting Urban wealth while his counterpart had targeted rural wealth.
So, Friends it is a Remake Movie with the thread taken from old Congress Govt. and Both the leaders have mass appeal and had and  have ability to  mesmerize people with their stage shows that is the bottom line.

Pitfalls in Disclosure After December 30 

 The Economic times report clearly depicts the grey area to be addressed in the Volunteer disclosure scheme to be started after December 30, 2016, where all the black money hoarders can disclose their assets without getting their names disclosed and with many exemptions provided in it brings in a big question about morality of such a scheme, as Honest Tax payers are the losers and Tax evaders are beneficiaries. So Friends, Govt. is least bothered about punishing the culprits as it has been publicized in all the election rallies of P.M they are looking at accumulating revenue and for which they have given a name "KHALA DHAN Hatavo". As We are emotionally accessible citizens Slogans like Gareebi Hatavo and Khal Dhan Hatavo have long term implications on Vote Bank.


ಇಂದಿರಾ ಗಾಂಧಿ ತೆಗದ ಚಲನಚಿತ್ರ ದ ಹೆಸರು 'ಗರೀಬಿ ಹಟಾವೋ' 
ಅದರ ಕಥಾ ನಾಯಕರು ಬಡವರು 
ನರೇಂದ್ರ ಮೋದಿ ತೇಗದ ಚಿತ್ರದ ಹೆಸರು 'ಕಾಳ ಧನ್ ಹಟಾವೋ' 
ಅದರ ಕಥಾ ನಾಯಕರೂ ಬಡವರೇ 
ಆದ್ರೆ ಎರಡರ ನಿರ್ಮಾಪಕರೂ ಸಿರಿವಂತರೇ!

Society Watch:Not Cash Driven But Caste Driven Nation

India a Nation that boasts to be 'Unity in Diversity' social strata is in many ways still Caste-Driven Society, where class based social strata is prevalent in most of the states of this biggest democracy.
The story of Bant Singh from Punjab clearly depicts how bad the social strata is in this Nation that is embracing Digital Economy.

Inside Story of Bant Singh 

Though Gurunanak Movement in Punjab was aimed at creating equal society with no apartheid based on caste system. People who embraced Sikh Religion are still having divisions within the community with people from lower strata of society treated badly by Sikhs from upper strata of society defeating the whole purpose of Shri. Gurunanak's movement to eradicate caste system haunting society. But if you read the turmoil faced by  Bant Singh in 'The Ballad of Bant Singh' who lost his hands and leg for demanding justice to his minor daughter who was gang-raped by upper caste hooligans. Bant Singh and his daughter had fought without yielding to political and money power enforced on them by the culprits using their Caste-Power and had obtained justice through life-time imprisonment to the gang-rapists. This enraged the Jats community and had started misbehaving with the girls of downtrodden castes and while Bant Singh Raised his voice against such behaviour he was brutally attacked with iron rods resulting in lapse of hands and legs. Despite such atrocities caused He continues to fight for the justice of downtrodden and this book written by Nirupama Dhutt is reviewed by Mr. Umapathi a Columnist in Prajavani, noted Kannada daily.

Nutshell Story of Caste System in India

Our Nation is progressing is what we all claim, But What i have personally observed is it is progressing Technologically but maintaining in its womb the caste-seed implanted in our pre-independence era itself. Today every caste has a God & Mutt & Pontiff atleast in my state of Karnataka. There will be Sammelana aka Conferences in name of communities headed by Political big-wigs, Pontiffs and Businessmen of those particular caste or sub caste.  In such MELAS Govt. will be asked to provide facilities to their community in form of reservations in Jobs and services. The whole idea of Mutts and Pontiffs given by Upper Caste communities is Today followed by even small communities and other backward class communities. So, in Nutshell Caste System Eradication is mirage in this nation and if Basvanna, Buddha or Gandhi take re-birth they will be asked to prove identity with respect to caste and creed they belong to.

AAMIR KHAN TARGETED: Best Example of Divided Society 

Fresh News of AAMIR Khan targeted as if he is traitor in this Nation to throw him out of SNAPDEAL as brand ambassdor is clear cut incidence that on the WRAPPER called Nationalism, This nation is divided into castes, creeds and religions, which even the GOD can't overcome with another set of Dasha-Avatars.

Maximum Atrocities on Dalits: Rajasthan Topper

B.J.P ruled Rajasthan tops in number of atrocities on Dalits, according to this news Rajasthan tops with 23,861 incidences, Uttar Pradesh comes second with 23,556  and Bihar with 21,061 incidences during year 2013-2015. 



Sunday 25 December 2016

Committing Mistakes & Clarifying are Two Sides of Politicians

Karnataka C.M Mr. Siddramaiah has landed himself in controversy by getting assistance from a subordinate to tie up his shoes lace. As the Video has become viral Siddu Shoe Lace Incidence.... and C.M has given clarification to media that the person tying his lace is not any Govt. official but his family person aka relative. Similar incidence happened with Education Minister Mr.Tanveer Seth, who was caught in camera scrolling down pornographic picture in Tippu Sultan Birth anniversary ceremony. Later Minister clarified to media that some unknown person had sent Whats App message and he was caught accidentally.
C.M Siddaramaiah caught getting shoe lace tied from subordinate

Now let us move further to Central govt. which gives clarifications for every amended rule of R.B.I after demonetisation through Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitley. But most interesting aspect is F.M's clarification to Yesterday's High Pitch Speech by our P.M Mr. Modi at Jal-Pujan for erecting historical figure Shivaji Maharaj's Idol amidst Arabian Sea. P.M's speech was to attack long term capital gains in Stock market trade. All of a sudden F.M is all out to clarify to people of country P.M didn't meant what media read. Media has read between lines according to him.
P.M speech Reinterpreted by F.M Jaitley

Story of Press Release & Clarification Releases

Our Politicians often make damaging statements and later someone covers up for the statement by giving clarifications. They often blame Media Personnel for having twisted or misinterpreted the speech or action. We public have accepted all these Speeches and Clarification releases throughout the political history of the country. There are incidences where politicians live action captured on camera later getting denied by their supporters with various reasons. Election speeches are best time for witnessing such Statements and Clarifications and blaming the media for misinterpretation. Finally Statements and Re-framed statements are two sides of coins called Politicians.


 ತೋಳ ಬಂತು ತೋಳ ಅನ್ನೋದು ರಾಜಕಾರಣಿಯ ಮೊದಲ ನುಡಿ 
ತೋಳದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ನನಗೆ ತಿಳಿದೇ ಇಲ್ಲಾ ಅನ್ನೋದು ಸ್ಪಷ್ಟನೆಯ ನುಡಿ 
ತೋಳಗಳ ಆಟದಲ್ಲಿ  ಮತದಾರ ಆದ 'ಕುರಿ '!

Profession Watch: Security Guards Zindagi

While Armed forces take care of Nation from external enemies and Police force ensures law and order within the Nation. Security Guards belong to same kind of profession who take care of public property in Banks, Railway stations, Bus terminals, Educational Institutes, Hotels & Restaurants, Industries ranging from I.T firms to Garments, Shopping malls, Airports, Public utility places like Parks, Playgrounds, Shopping Malls, ATM counters, Private function halls and the list goes on and on. These Security Guards are hired by agencies on Contract basis, while Police and Armed personnel enjoy permanent benefits of Govt. These security guards life is caught between lever, as they work for 12 hours a day and are paid less than 10,500 Rupees which is against the minimum wages bill accepted by Government.
Though the role of these security personnel is not inferior to any police men, they are hired on contract basis even after delivering 240 hours of work in a year is clear violation of labour law according to sources from Centre of Indian Trade Union C.I.T.U.
Provide Security But Without Security to Their Jobs!

With demonetisation and long queues in front of ATM counters being a common trend in past one and half months. These security guards faced lot of hardship in pacifying the citizens and ensuring One person One ATM card operation so that people in long queues get their share of 2000 Rupees smoothly. Today at Bangalore Metro Railway station I witnessed a passenger going rough on a security personnel and using abusing language shows the type of turmoil these professionals have to overcome in their day to day business. Most of these professionals are paid 8000 rupees and are made to work for 12 hours by most agencies. They do not have any Holidays for Festivals and National Holidays shows the clear disparity they are shown by our Governments.

C.I.T.U : Enrolment Campaign to Fight For Security Guards  

Centre of Indian Trade Union -C.I.T.U Bangalore, has started a new campaign of enrolling such security personals to their Union with FIVE focal points as their agenda in front of Governments, The Pointers are:
  1. To provide permanent Employment status to all security guards
  2. To ensure Only 8 Hours of duty is entrusted to security guards
  3. Fixation of minimum 10,500 Rupees as monthly wages
  4. To provide social security services like Identity Card, Payslips, Service record maintenance
  5. To Ensure General holidays and Festival Holidays services are extended to these professionals
C.I.T.U Bangalore North, T. Dasrahalli can be contacted for further Information:
more info about C.I.T.U
Contact Numbers:
Harish Kumar
Phone: 8951794133

Mohan M
Vice president:

Saturday 24 December 2016

Bengaluru Update:Fully Bio-Diesel Bus Launched for the First Time

Countries first ever fully Bio Diesel Bus have started operation from Bengaluru to Chennai, Tirupathi, Kumdapur and Bidar. State Transport minister Ramalinga Reddy flagged of 25 Scania vehicles in Shantinagar at Bengaluru. Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation is already having in its possession Bio-Diesel cum Diesel in a particular ratio used which are retrofitted. According to sources new Bus are capable of running completely on Bio-Diesel. The sources tell the price of Bio-Diesel is 4 rupees less than petroleum diesel and mileage obtained from these bio-diesel is same as ordinary diesel. Govt. is procuring Bio-Diesel required for these Bus from a company in Telangana.
Bio-Diesel can be produced within nation saving our foreign exchange.

K.S.R.T.C Goes completely Bio fuel for 5 Route Multi axle buses

Bio-Diesel in Nutshell

Bio-Diesel means a clean burning fuel procured from natural vegetable oils and fats. It can be blended with petrol or diesel in any proportion or can be used independently to run the engines. Research in Bio Fuels is going on in full pledge at University of Agriculture Sciences Bangalore and Hassan in Karnataka. These Universities are encouraging farmers to grow trees and plants that produce oil seeds that can be utilized effectively to produce Bio-Fuels. Interestingly Thai Airlines is the first airlines to run flights on Bio-Fuels in Asia.Research in Bio Fuel@ Karnataka has taken lot of impetus, with many farmers joining hands with Govt. Universities in procuring raw materials for the fuel generation. The main advantage for farmers is after extracting the Bio-Fuel from seeds the by products can be utilized as organic manure to crops. Also any diesel engine can run on bio-diesel and petrol engines can run on bio-ethanol. Trees that produce Bio-Fuel seeds are: Honge, Hippe, neem and laxmitaru, simarouba. various training programmes and workshops are organized by University of Agriculture sciences to disseminate knowledge and share information about profit sharing to farmers across state. 

Language Controversy Around NEET-Exams

NEET & CET controversy is haunting state Govt. as the Govt, failed to communicate to the central Govt. that its intention to have NEET-National Eligibility & Entrance Test for Medicine in both Kannada and English. Ironically C.E.T- Common entrance Test held by state Govt. itself is unable to give exams in both English and Kannada and State Govt. Urging centre to provide NEET in Kannada is ridiculous. State Govt. which had earlier not shown any interest in conducting NEET in Kannada is now shedding crocodile tears and blaming central for the situation, while Central is passing the ball to state court telling "implementation can't be done in neck moment", and state Govt, is responsible for miscommunication. In this tussle between State and Central 'Kannada language' lost its chances to make a sound in NEET-Exam question papers!


ಜೈವಿಕ ಇಂಧನ ಬಂತು ವೋಲ್ವೋ ಬಸ್ ಗು
ಕನ್ನಡ ಬರಲಿಲ್ಲ NEET ಮತ್ತು CET Exams ಗೂ
ಕನ್ನಡ ಏನಿದ್ರು 'ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರ' ಹೇಳುವ ಭಾಷೆ ಹಾಗೆ ಉಳಿಬೇಕು ಅನ್ನೋದು
ರಾಜಕಾರಣಿಗಳ ನಿಲುವು !

Friday 23 December 2016

Hey Hain Circus Governance Meri Jaan!

Two and half years governance of current N.D.A Govt. is getting evaluated by many political analysts Circus Governance in flow.... is a clear depiction of disagreement arising among analysts with respect to govt. run bulletins that is distracting us from one issue to another without addressing an issue completely. According to these analysts the Govt. is running a CIRCUS to take our attention from one event to another before we can understand the implications of that programme.
National Circus by N.D.A!

Minimum Government  is a Mirage

The Govt. came to power with slogan 'minimum government' i.e. state control/bureaucracy will be eliminated from public life and doing business will be much easier. Though doing business might have got eased out for startup initiations, intrusion of Govt. run machinery in every walks of our life and enforcing laws aka diktat has increased rapidly. Demonetisation implementation is pinnacle of such Diktat witnessed by all of us. There have been many rules enacted and withdrawn after public opposition with respect data privacy on Internet.

U.P.A: Minimum Publicising Regime N.D.A: Maximum Publicising Regime

According to source quoted in beginning of this post, Number of Terror Attacks in Jammu & Kashmir has doubled in N.D.A regime compared to U.P.A regime. This doesn't mean that U.P.A was efficient in Governance, But U.P.A had no voice as it was a MOUNI-BABA run machinery that failed to project even small accomplishments of their Govt. and every one started evaluating them with their own measuring sticks! But the current Govt. uses all media inclusive of social media to release bulletins every day with one line slogans so that we feel something is happening in Governance quarters.

Only Achievement: NO BIG SCAMS in TWO & HALF YEARS 

Until demonetisation scheme was introduced this Govt. had clean chit with respect to SCAMS are considered. But Demonetisation is creating worst effect than any other scams if reports and opposition leaders argument is to be believed. What did we achieve with demonetisation? Instead of clearing the entire pond to catch Alligators, Govt. could have directly attacked those alligators with its weapons called E.D (Enforcement Directorate), C.B.I (Central Bureau of Investigation) and   I.T -Income Tax departments like it is doing now to catch all big alligators with PINK-MONEY accumulated in their bathrooms to temples. This could have happened without Demonetisation also. But the intention looks simple: No matter you might be corrupt, give a share of your corrupt earnings to Govt. and go scot free is the agenda!

As Kannada T.V, Veteran Journalist Mr. Ranganath, was pointing out in his show, Accumulate Four Bags of Filthy Money Instead of Two and donate Two to the Govt. and be Happy is what current trend of I.T Raids is all about.    

Cashless rural India looks as depicted in this report from Indian Express, 


ಕಾಂಚಾಣ ಇದ್ದರೆ ಜೈಲಿಗೆ ಹೋಗುವಾಗಲೂ ಜೈಕಾರ 
ಜೈಲಿನಿಂದ ಹೊರಬಂದಾಗ್ಲೂ ಜೈಕಾರ 
ಕಾಂಚಾಣ ಇಲ್ಲದಿದ್ದರೆ ಹಾಹಕಾರ  

Modi Calendar & Vijay Mallya Calendar

Central Govt. has released 2017 calendar with the icon none other than its Mascot Narendra Modi as the model in all pages with his famous slogans like Badal Raha Hai Mera Desh, Aage Bad Raha Hai Mera Desh and his popular programmes being highlighted in every page. Yes! our P.M is away from all controversies except for one controversy of 'SUIT-BOOT-PM that rocked him and he had to amend his ways by donating the auction money for the needy. But one weakness we can identify easily with our P.M is his Camera Friendly behaviour of posing to selfies and projecting himself in all programmes depicting 'ONE-MAN-SHOW' in this 'MINIMUM GOVT. Maximum Governance Govt.' governance! this behaviour of 'One Man show' has once again come to limelight with release of MODI-Calendar-2017. Obviously this calendar cannot be available only in hard copy it is available in electronic 'APP' format too. New year reminds me of one more show man of Nation, Vijay Mallya who used to release his hottest calendars every year which had lot of demand! Current year Mallya-Ji is not available in Nation to release hot-sexy calendar, Govt. miss him and we too miss his extravaganza calendars. One thing is for sure our P.M is definitely a showman by heart! 
Modi calendar for you
January to December-2017 its MODI show!
NOTE: One interesting fact not known to me is whether Demonetisation is also a theme of this calendar or not!

State Govt. Calendar   

Last year state Govt. of Karnataka had released calendar with Late C.M of Karnataka Devaraj raj urs as mascot of calendar revolving around the theme of social justice. As we know our C.M Siddaramiaih is not such a  is not a camera friendly person like our P.M!
showman of different type Mallya with calendar

Calendar of Bangalore Press

The most trustworthy calendar for people of Karnataka for years together is Bangalore PRESS calendar and it contains details from Holidays to Auspicious time and all details needed in Hindu calendar with such a  precision that many of us purchase it in spite of availability of so many complementary calendars of State and Central Govt, 
Most Trust worthy Calendar: without Icons! 
Most interesting aspect of Bangalore Press Calendar is it doesn't require any Mascot/ Celebrity to get accepted still it is most trusted calendar by millions even after 92 consecutive year of publication!Bangalore Press calendar

Calendars of GODS & GODDESS

Many private organisations come up with calendars having Gods and Goddesses ranging from Ganpathi to Tirmula Thimappa and Lakshmi to Sarswathi, Mecca, Madeena and Jesus too. calendars with tourist spots scenes of tourist monuments are also dime a dozen in market. 

Lastly Whether it is Electronic age or years of hard copy calendars, We all still use calendars and most of the salaried employees like me look for the Holidays due to festivals marked RED in calendars and start munching Holiday feast available in coming year in the month of December itself! 

Burercarcy Red tapism Delays Dr. Rajkumar Statue Inauguration 

Dr. Rajkumar Statue is finally unveiled at Dr. Rajkumar road junction connecting Majestic and Rajajinagar after 10 years of gestation period. According to sources this statute resembles Dr. rajkumar in Krishna Deva raya character. Interestingly this statue is unveiled in absence of political bigwigs of State by Kannada Rakshana Vedike.

ಕ್ಯಾಲೆಂಡರ್ ಅನ್ನೋದು ಡಿಸೆಂಬರ್ ನ ಮಗು
ಅದು ಸರಕಾರದ ಕೂಸು ಆಗಿರಬಹುದು
ಕೆಲವು ಸಂಸ್ಥೆಗಳ ಕೂಸೂ ಆಗಿರಬಹುದು
ಅಥವಾ ಬರೀ ಆಂಕಿ ಅಂಶ ಕೊಡುವ Bangalore Press ಕೂಸೂ ಆಗಿರಬಹುದು

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Saga of Karnataka Stars in Indian Cricket

The final test of India against England witnessed two rising stars of Karnataka, Karun Nair and K.L Rahul contributing immensely in the victory. That too Karun Nair's Triple Century knock seized the fate of England from even trying to get a consolation win or draw.
When we look back at the journey of Karnataka players representing Nation and making us proud interesting facts and incidences gets unfolded in front of our eyes. This post tries reveal such interesting facts:
Karun Nair: Replicating SEHWAG

Erapalli Prasanna & B.S Chandrashakar Spin Duo

Chandra and Prasanna with Bedi and Venkat-'SPIN POWER' of India
As we know spin in cricket has two dimensions Leg-Spin/Break and Off-Spin/Break, The two shining stars Erapalli Prasanna and B.S Chandrashekar were great practitioners of art of spin along with Left arm spin of Bishen singh Bedi and Off-breaks by Venkataraghavan. While B.S Chandra shekar was known for his deadly leg-breaks, Erapalli Prasanna was known for deceiving off break flights. they contributed immensely to Indian spin department along with Bishen Singh Bedi and Venkataraghavan, when India was known only for powerful spin attack and nothing else!

G.R Vishwanath-Batting Maestro & Gentleman

Gundappa Vishwanath was equivalent to Sunil Gavaskar in all respects of batting and it was delight to watch even a small score from this late cut and square cut specialist's bat, according to many old time cricket fans. Gundappa Vishwanath was known for his gentle behaviour too. He was a walker and not a kind of batsmen who would wait for umpire's decision. Interestingly India has never lost a match when he has scored hundred! In one of the Ranji Match against Mumbai, G.R Vishwanath showed disappointment about umpire's decision and this made viewers grow wild against the decision such was the respect he derived from crowd. In the same match Sunil Gavaskar from opposite team (Mumbai) batted left handed to compensate for Vishy's dismissal! Interestingly Sunny is Brother-in-law of G.R.Vishy.
Rivals, Friends & Relatives!

Syed Kirmani, Sadanand Vishwanath & Roger Binny

 Syed Kirmani is all time great wicket keepers India has produced. His canny knocks with bat during 1983 Prudential World cup matches at England helped India and Kapil 'Devil's' to snatch world cup from mighty West Indians. Kirmani was also known for his sense of humour. His small knock of 30 runs or so with Kapil dev, when kapil dev went on to score legendary 175* runs against Zimbabwe is match winning knock by all means. 

The Best Wicket Keeper

Sadanand Vishwanath-Short Tempered but Lightning behind wickets

Sadanand Vishwanath had a small tenure with Indian team but within a small span of time proved his mettle as wicket-keeping batsman. His presence in World Championship at Australia (Benson & Hedges Tournament made India champion, according to the captain Sunny Gavaskar. Though his close-mates often tell he spoilt his career due to bad temperament, He was a genuine fighter to be remembered by all Indian cricketing fans for his contributions. 
Lightning Speed Vishwanath

Roger Binny: Deadly to Left Arm Batsmen

Roger Binny shared new ball with legendary Kapil Dev on many occasions. He was considered to be deadly bowler for left-arm batsmen and had troubled great Allan Border from Australia in many series. He was even more dangerous in seaming conditions of England and was also a decent batsman. His contribution is also immense along with Syed kirmani during 1983 ICC prudential world cup. Sadnand Vishwanath, Kirmani and Binny can be considered as Amar, Akbar and Anthony of Karnataka. 

Pace Duo with Leggie & The Wall

The next focus should be on Anil Kumble, Javgal Srinath, Venkatesh Prasad and Rahul Dravid who consistently represented Indian team in recent past and won laurels to nation and state. These players along with Sujith Somasunder, Vijay Bhardawaj and Sunil Joshi were part of Indian squad and Kannada was heard in the ground to make strategies, was a delight to people of Karnataka.Who doesn't know about famous dismissal of Aamir Sohail in Bangalore World Cup Match by Venkatesh Prasad? Which cricket fan doesn't know about match winning and saving knocks by Rahul Dravid in abroad conditions had earned him Mr. dependable-WALL nick name? Of course who doesn't know about leggie JUMBO-Anil Kumble's match winning performances?

Manish, Rahul & Karun Trio

Now in Virat Kohli Captaincy and Anil Kumble as coach, Manish Pandey, K L Rahul and Karun Nair are following the footsteps of their seniors to make a mark for themselves and contribute effectively in Indian victories is a proud aspect for all citizens of Karnataka.
Hope the team-Karnataka will also get back Ranji Trophy this season and replay its performance done in 2014-2015.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

E-Dhaga Controversy & Step Motherly Treatment to Karnataka

Karnataka is a state known for Silk and Mysuru Silk is brand ambassador of state along with Mysore Sandal wood and Mysuru Mallige (Jasmine). Karnataka was largest producer of Silk for many years and had reputation of many looms operated from various parts of state including Doddaballapur in Bangalore Rural district.  Today Karnataka is again witnessing step motherly treatment from Central Govt. with textile minister Smriti Irani releasing E-DHAGA a web portal and mobile app of textile ministry of India in languages like Hindi, English, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu, Assamese and Odiya Read more on apathy of Karnataka, What is the blunder we Kannadigas aka people of Karnataka have done to Central Governments run by various parties in present and past, Mother Bharti only should reveal. When smaller state like Assam and Orissa get central nod for E-Dhaga, What is the mistake of Land of Silk Mysore Silk, that it is not given recognition by Central Minstry for Textiles? Apathy towards Karnataka and Kannada is not a fresh behaviour exhibited by Central rulers, From Kaveri to Krishna to recent Kalasa Bandoori river water dispute Karnataka is at receiving end. Karnataka is remembered by Modi & Co. to just carry out Series of C.B.I and I.T raids not for any other matter.

Irani :NO Kannada Please only HINDI !

E-Dhaga in Nutshell?

E-Dhaga is a mobile app released by Central Govt. run National Handloom Development Corporation N.H.D.C, for the welfare of weavers, But this mobile app is not released in Kannada most probably minister for textile affairs knew that people of Karnataka are well verse in Hindi and English and they don't need Mother Tongue?! E-Dhaga for you....

Crocodile Tears of B.J.P Leader C.T Ravi  

The B.J.P leaders of state are busy in Rayanna Brigade controversy are waiting eagerly for the current state Govt's dismissal on Corruption charges and to get back to power, But are least bothered about the Belagavi controversy and ill treatment to working class Kannadigas in neighbouring Goa. They are interested in dividing state on basis of religion in name of Tippu Jayanthi but have no voice to question Maharastra for its double standards about Belagavi. Now C.T Ravi tweeting in social media is just an eye wash to save their face, who are always for implementation of Hindi and sanskrit and have 'Aryan' soft corner but 'Dravidian' apathy. 

Where is Ugra Prathapi Prathap Simha?  

M.P from Mysore-Madekri Constituency Mr. Prathap Simha, who remembers Kannada language, Karnataka and Sir. M. Visvevaraya only to do Anti-Muslim Politics, Why can't he take on Smrithi Irani and make Kannada language implemented in E-Dhaga web portal for Handloom Weavers.


ಅಂತೂ ಇಂತೂ ಕುಂತಿ ಮಕ್ಕಳಿಗೆ ರಾಜ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ 
ಮೊಬೈಲ್ APP ನಲ್ಲೂ ಕನ್ನಡಕ್ಕೇ ಸ್ಥಾನವಿಲ್ಲಾ 
ಇದು ೧೮ ಸಂಸದರ ಕೊಟ್ಟ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕದ ದೌರ್ಭಗ್ಯ 

Monday 19 December 2016

Twinkling Startups @ Bangalore I.T.E BIZ 2016

19 years ago Karnataka Govt. took an initiative to attract Information Technology ventures to Karnataka through  a flagship event conducted in the month of November to meaningfully celebrate Rajyotsava.
This tradition is continued by Govt. even after 19 years to maintain the brand name of being I.T capital of India. This 19th edition of Bengaluru ITE-BIZ-2016, held to attract investments in I.T sector and IT enabled sector witnessed galore of START-UPS with more than 136 start-ups applying for presenting their ideas in the prestigious event and among which only SIX were short listed to present their start up venture ideas at I.T.E.BIZ under the aegis of  START UP Karnataka YESSS, a platform for young Entrepreneurs looking for collaborations, partnerships and mentoring support. This post focuses on all those Start ups which were selected to the elite panel of I.T.E.BIZ-2016 to present their ideas. The SIX startups were selected in a balanced way so that a representation from Digital Media, Intelligent Recruitment systems, Online Banking Systems, Green-Transport Systems were included to showcase their ideas. The lucky Six Startups selected for presentation were: Aiddition Technologies, Greendzine, AVR Edge Networks, Initcodes, Esya Soft Technologies and Eventosaur. 

Aiddition Technologies: Amalgamation of Make in India & Skill India 

Mr.Kumarswamy of Aiddition @ IT.BIZ

Aiddition Technologies, Bengaluru was one of the interesting Startups that made a presentation at Bengaluru I.T BiZ-2016. A startup pioneered by young enthusiasts from Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science Background is an Embedded products venture that has come with an innovative product on Digital Signage systems which is the future of Advertising Industry of the globe.  

According to Mr.Kumar Swamy M.D, of Aiddition Technologies their product is an amalgamation of Make In India, Skill India, Digital India and Go-Green programmes of Indian Govt. He eloquently brings out that with BAN on Plastics & FLEX based advertising materials, Digital signage will take off exponentially in Indian Advertising Segments.
Moreover Their Aiddition Digital Signage System ADS can be customised as per the needs of various sectors ranging from Educational institutes, Banking Sector, Food Chains, Jewellery Chains etc. as it is an in house product of Aiddition team. The team of Aiddition is right combination of youngsters and middle age crew members like Kumarswamy Kariyappa, Chetan Patil, Raju Gadag and backbone for team Mr. T.R Vishwanath more info....    

Greendzine- Eco Friendly Transport Systems
Start-Up Galaxy @ Bangalore ITE-BIZ-2016

The website of Greendzine portrays an interesting fact that they are in business not to give RACING BIKES & CARS but to provide Green Solutions to transport problems of our hugely populated nation.more info....

Environment Friendly Bikes By Greendzine

A.V.R Edge Networks: Hassle free Human Resource Recruitment Systems

According to Mr. Arjun Pratap, C.E.O of Edge Networks their motto is to provide Next Generation H.R Technology solutions so that right kind of people are recruited for right kind of roles easing the job of H.R Managers. Their product is based on Data analytics and Artificial Intelligence tools more info...

Initcodes: Online Banking Friendly Product: Bitgram

The product of Initcodes is christened as Bitgram, this product according to the team is an Unified Intelligence Platform for Digital Transactions. Also interestingly the product aims at bringing together AADHAR CARDS of entire nation together with their Bitgram product more info...

Yes, the Generation Next belongs to startups isn't it friends? hope these youngsters thrive in the highly competitive market and come with bigger reputations in the next Bangalore I.T.E-BIZ to bag awards!


More info about Bangalore ITE-BIZ 2016 is available @read more....


Saturday 17 December 2016

Western Ghats: Hanging Bridge Supporters and Vested interests

After controversy of Steel Bridge erection in Bangalore a new controversial act is happening from politicians that too in Western Ghats region of Karnataka which is known for its rich flora and fauna and known as medicinal plants hub of state. The idea of constructing brand new road amidst greenery of protected forest reserve between places called Byrapura and Shishila in Mudigeri taluk of Chikamagalur District of state despite of no clearance certificate from Forest department and the Member of parliament from Chikamaglur Shoba Karndalaje showing lot of interest in the project (read more) Hanging Bridge in western ghats? shows their is lot of vested interest involved in the project and all pointers are pointing towards Central Govt. Highway authority.
According to this report in 'Prajavani', long back Public works department officials had planned such a road and hanging bridge amidst Western Ghats and finally given it up as the cost was not feasible. Now M.P from the district showing interest in this project is enraging public and environmentalists of the state. The reason given by authorities to give a nod for such an environmental disaster project is to ease out the traffic congestion on roads connecting Sringeri, Horanadu, Kukke Subramanya, Udupi Krishna temple, Dharmsatala and other pilgrimage places of the districts of Udupi, Chikmagalur and Dakshina Kannada. 
Destruction caused to Forest in Western Ghats by Gas Lines: Prajavani Picture

Double Standards of Politicians 

While opposition parties in state of Karnataka were arguing in high pitch against proposed Steel-Flyover in Bangalore due to its whooping cost and destruction caused to environment by the project, same Opposition is encouraging a proposal to build Hanging Bridge in Forest Reserve Area. This depicts Political parties double standards in embracing one environment destructive project and opposing the other. People of Karnataka are finding something fishy in both projects as they have already become aware that approval for 'BIG PROJECTS ARE FOR GENERATING FUNDS' to national parties of the country.   

Apathy of Existing Highways 

Another Report clearly depicts that existing Ghat section roads connecting Bangalore to Mangalore  existing highways in more are in bad shape and upgrading them is going at snail pace, Authorities are trying to move ahead with proposals for building new roads is clear cut indication of vested interests playing bigger role in getting nods for such projects.

An Idea about Alternate Routes between Bangalore and Mangalore

  •  Mangalore -- Shiradi Ghat -- Sakleshpur -- Hassan -- Bangalore (348 K.M)
  • Mangalore -- Charmudi Ghat --Mudigere--Belur--Hassan -- Bangalore (368 K.M)
  • Mangalore --Sampaje-- Medkeri--Mysore --Bangalore (411 KM)
  • Mangalore --Udupi--Hulikal Ghat--Shivamogga --Bangalore (542 KM)
  • Also Railway line work between Bangalore--Hassan--Mangalore is in progress
Without upgrading the existing routes proposing new routes amidst Forest Reserves clearly shows the hands of vested interests isn't friends?!


 ಒಬ್ಬರಿಗೆ steel bridge ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು ನಲ್ಲಿ ಬೇಕು 
ಮತ್ತೊಬ್ಬರಿಗೆ ಹ್ಯಾಂಗಿಂಗ್ ಬ್ರಿಡ್ಜ್ ಬೇಕು western ghats ನಲ್ಲಿ 
ಜನತೆಗೆ ಉತ್ತರ ಬೇಕು ಎರಡರ ಹಿಂದಿನ ಚಿದಂಬರ ರಹಸ್ಯವೇನೂ ಅಂತಾ