Saturday 3 December 2016

Surgical Strike of various forms

After the successful  surgical strike by Indian army on Pakistani militants base across our border. Indian citizens are witnessing various forms of surgical strikes. First and foremost of this is Economical Surgical Strike carried out by our P.M on Black Money launderers through ban imposed on 500 and 1000 rupees currency notes. The speculations are on going Economical surgical strike will be further taken forward on illegal Gold deposits and 'Benami'-a.k.a illegal property owners. With these two ARMED FORCES surgical strike and ECONOMICAL surgical strike, Common man of India has added this terminology to their day to day vocabulary and is not hesitating to add this term in their day to day activity to illustrate stories of their own. in simple 'SURGICAL STRIKE' has become a metaphor to explain your action!

If we try to find out the GOOGLED definition for 'SURGICAL STRIKE'- Wikipedia gives following answer: A surgical strike is a military attack on specific target of military base damaging only the intended party with minimal damage to civilians in surrounding area. But Indian media has started applying this military terminology to all walks of life! recently I came across a cartoon in news paper depicting Modiji doing surgery on AAM ADMI stomach to extract 500 and 1000 I.N.R currency. Whatever might be the claims of ruling N.D.A and opposition parties of India, Economical Surgical strike has given hopes among common man that some one is at least trying to address the BLACK-MONEY problem of Nation. Whether timing of this demonetisation is wrong or planning is ridiculous only the coming days should open it up.


4.7 to 5.1 crores of PINK 2000 rupees is already available with two business and administrating tycoons of Karnataka, within a span of 2 weeks of demonetisation! While common man is struggling to get his share of 24000 I.N.R from Banks, Banks have given on a platter 5 crores of brand new currency to such so called elite class money launderers is a mockery of entire demonetisation spree.


Leading Kannada Newspaper has given an interesting statistics based on discussion carried out in parliament by Finance Minister for state, The statistics is:

  1. Total Currency in 500 and 1000 denomination is: 15.44 Lakh crores
  2. within first 20 days of demonetisation: 8.45 Lakh crores is deposited in Banks
  3. Banks reserves in 500 and 1000 denomination: 50000 crores
  4. Total amount Currently with Banks including new deposits:13.5 Lakh Crores
  5. Difference amount is:  15.44 - 13.50 lakh crores
  6.  Answer is: 1.94 Lakh crores

These two stories depict that major portion of Black is converted to white by various sources, Now it is for the Govt. to trap these people who have got their Black converted to PINK, else entire process of demonetisation becomes like a small gain with huge Laborious pain.


Prof. Bargoor Ramachandrappa, renowned Kannada Literature giant has raised the issue of social surgical strike that has happened and is happening currently in our mother land on Dalits and downtrodden tribal groups of this nation in his speech at 82nd Kannada sahitya samelana at Raichur. He has given alarming statistics of 1.78 Crores Dalits are employed to carry human excreta, A statistics which should be eye opener to all rulers of this nation who are carrying out different types of surgical strikes.
82nd Kannada Sahitya sammelana in raichur, karnataka


After Military Surgical strike and Economical/Demonetisation Surgical strike the need of hour is Social Justice Surgical strike, will Govt. act in this direction?

Jai Hind Jai Karnataka 

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