Tuesday 6 December 2016

Jump a Little Hop a Little Demonetisation Govt. Chaos

Before Terrorism was finished defence minister Manhoar Parrikkar and Co. was all out to claim "TERRORISTS ARE FINISHED" with Surgical Strike, But Terrorism continued its OCTOPUS hold on Kashmir with numerous attacks. Now before demonetisation benefits are seen or felt by the AAM-ADMI the common man, Govt. is all out to claim "BLACK MONEY IS CURBED BY CASHLESS ECONOMY", Let's Go CASHLESS is new title of this Govt. run movie. These hasty hustle bustle of Govt. reminds me of the nursery rhymes of kids: 

Hop a Little

Jump a Little

One Two Three

'Swacch Bharat' a Little

'Jan Dhan' a Little

Beti Bacchovo a Little 

Beti Padavo a Little

Make in India a Little

Skill India a Little

Demonetisation a Little



As opposition leaders point out this Govt. was busy releasing one line TAG LINES every week which will be endorsed by Mann Ki Baat by P.M every month. This Govt. was best suited to release advertisement tag lines like a Creative Copy writer all these days. Finally they felt nothing was happening in form of crediting all our accounts with 15 Lakh rupees by confiscating Black Money from abroad banks. They pushed the panic BUTTON, hastily in name of demonetisation and We Indians Emotional in every walks of life welcomed this move as if entire Nation corrupt will be punished, But same Govt. started Double-standards in curbing black money and started floating AMNESTY THEORY for illegal money holders through 50% Tax imposition. While AAM-ADMI, waiting in queues outside Banks with dreams of ACHHA DIN was made to witness CROREPATI businessmen having fresh deposits of PINK currency in crores at their houses.
The entire shift in debate from Black money curbing to Cashless Economy is eye wash method of HIT & RUN Govt. to cover up this blunder of failing in demonetising spree as already the entire cash in 1000 and 500 has already entered the system! ....Read more on How Cashless Economy is used as blanket....      
Yesterday, I saw an auto driver in Bengaluru city displaying proudly our P.M Narendra Modi Name as 'Vishwa Manava', Global Personality for getting recognised as number one personality by TIME poll, overcoming Obama and Putin. These Auto Drivers are most 'vulnerable-beings' with respect to emotions is concerned and in place of Filmy stars they flaunting our P.M photos clearly shows our P.M has effectively played mind game with middle class masses of the country in name of demonetization. Election funding...read more
right now this Govt. is enjoying majority Indians support as all of them are emotionally moved by this Govt. act of trying to snatch wealth from 1% of elite class who have control on 53% of wealth of Nation.  Pandavas cannot Rule! is an excellent piece of write up that shows currently Govt. is riding on wave of emotions of common man, but before it boomerangs they should ensure actual benefits will reach them.

More info....Writing on Wall....

Jai Hind Jai Karnataka

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