Tuesday 27 December 2016

Society Watch:Not Cash Driven But Caste Driven Nation

India a Nation that boasts to be 'Unity in Diversity' social strata is in many ways still Caste-Driven Society, where class based social strata is prevalent in most of the states of this biggest democracy.
The story of Bant Singh from Punjab clearly depicts how bad the social strata is in this Nation that is embracing Digital Economy.

Inside Story of Bant Singh 

Though Gurunanak Movement in Punjab was aimed at creating equal society with no apartheid based on caste system. People who embraced Sikh Religion are still having divisions within the community with people from lower strata of society treated badly by Sikhs from upper strata of society defeating the whole purpose of Shri. Gurunanak's movement to eradicate caste system haunting society. But if you read the turmoil faced by  Bant Singh in 'The Ballad of Bant Singh' who lost his hands and leg for demanding justice to his minor daughter who was gang-raped by upper caste hooligans. Bant Singh and his daughter had fought without yielding to political and money power enforced on them by the culprits using their Caste-Power and had obtained justice through life-time imprisonment to the gang-rapists. This enraged the Jats community and had started misbehaving with the girls of downtrodden castes and while Bant Singh Raised his voice against such behaviour he was brutally attacked with iron rods resulting in lapse of hands and legs. Despite such atrocities caused He continues to fight for the justice of downtrodden and this book written by Nirupama Dhutt is reviewed by Mr. Umapathi a Columnist in Prajavani, noted Kannada daily.

Nutshell Story of Caste System in India

Our Nation is progressing is what we all claim, But What i have personally observed is it is progressing Technologically but maintaining in its womb the caste-seed implanted in our pre-independence era itself. Today every caste has a God & Mutt & Pontiff atleast in my state of Karnataka. There will be Sammelana aka Conferences in name of communities headed by Political big-wigs, Pontiffs and Businessmen of those particular caste or sub caste.  In such MELAS Govt. will be asked to provide facilities to their community in form of reservations in Jobs and services. The whole idea of Mutts and Pontiffs given by Upper Caste communities is Today followed by even small communities and other backward class communities. So, in Nutshell Caste System Eradication is mirage in this nation and if Basvanna, Buddha or Gandhi take re-birth they will be asked to prove identity with respect to caste and creed they belong to.

AAMIR KHAN TARGETED: Best Example of Divided Society 

Fresh News of AAMIR Khan targeted as if he is traitor in this Nation to throw him out of SNAPDEAL as brand ambassdor is clear cut incidence that on the WRAPPER called Nationalism, This nation is divided into castes, creeds and religions, which even the GOD can't overcome with another set of Dasha-Avatars.

Maximum Atrocities on Dalits: Rajasthan Topper

B.J.P ruled Rajasthan tops in number of atrocities on Dalits, according to this news Rajasthan tops with 23,861 incidences, Uttar Pradesh comes second with 23,556  and Bihar with 21,061 incidences during year 2013-2015. 



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