Wednesday 18 January 2017

Online: Flipkart Introduces 'NANJUNDA' - Panic Button

Last Month a delivery boy of Flipkart Premier Indian Online shopping portal was murdered brutally in a gym by so called customer. Death of Delivery Boy. The name of that ill fated boy is Nanjundaswamy. Now Flipkart has taken safety measures for its employees by introducing a 'PANIC-BUTTON' called 'Project Nanjunda' in their mobile phones. The deliver boys can press this button during emergency and message will get delivered to the nearest Flip-Kart office for necessary help. 
Friends, really this is a small step in helping these delivery boys on field. If you look at the kind of working environments these workers are operating with, It is not less than any Gymnastic work out.
They carry Heavy bags of luggage as parcel bags on Two wheeler bikes on Pot-holed roads of Bengaluru city to achieve days target! For me they appear as Neo-Gunny Bag Carriers of city, while the traditional gunny bag carriers operate in R.M.C Yards and Vegetable markets of city. Looking after their safety on Bangalore Roads is also prime responsibility of these Online-Portals who with all cost-cutting done on Inventory and bulk transport through such cheap labourers called Delivery Boys provide us Goods at door step.

Neo-Goods carriers of City!

Traditional Goods carriers of City

History of Delivery Boys in Bangalore City

Though Delivery of goods to home was initially done by Post-Masters of Indian Postal department, later their roles was taken by Private Courier Boys. The type of goods they used to deliver on Bicycles and mopeds were parcels like Letters, Books or stationary items. With evolution of Online portals demand for Electronics gadgets starting from smartphones to laptops began on two wheeler vehicles. Thus Our city has made way for different type of employment called "Delivery to DOOR" by these Online portals. But these delivery boys whose job demands them to be busy on mobile phones are most vulnerable to road accidents.   
These Portal operators take action only after a mishap happens is proven with current incident of Murder of a Boy Its good at least now they are serious about employee safety ! We Indians are second largest Populated Nation on earth and youngsters migrating to city in search of jobs is exponentially growing every day. Many youngsters land up in such jobs as suitable jobs are hard to find even with good educational qualifications. Ensuring their Safety is a concern to be addressed by not overloading their backs with Luggage of huge weights. Otherwise in name of cost cutting and profit margins precious lives will be in danger.  

Society Watch: Transformation of Prisoners in Karnataka

'Roopantara' is a well thought out scheme of  Karnataka Prisons Welfare association. A programme to make prison inmates to be ready to face challenges in external world once their imprisonment term is completed.   This Rehabilitation of prisoners scheme is a brainchild of Director General of Prisons Mr. H.N Satyanaryan Rao. It is said that Mr. Rao had witnessed such a scheme during his visit to China, so that long term imprisoned persons are made ready to face the challenges emerging in external society. Thus this programme called 'ROOPANTARA' - meaning Transformation has come in place in state of Karnataka.

Transformation: From Prison to New Open World
This programme in its inception has 190 jail inmates registered to be trained as they will be soon facing the reality of outside world as their release is scheduled for Jan 26th Republic Day. According to sources of Prisons, already these prisoners are being trained under 'Roopantara' scheme and various levels of training is imparted on them. Here are the important levels of training to which these 190 prison inhabitants are exposed to:

  1. Personal Interview: To know about the history and challenges these inmates will have to face once they are released
  2. Rigorous Physical Training: As majority of these inmates would have spent 14 years of term within four walls, training them physically with rigorous exercise to be active in society
  3.   Emotional & Mental Training: To impart emotional and psychological training to face the external world calmly
  4. Reunion with family members: Establish rapport with their family members and guide them to handle these people sensibly
  5. Imparting Spiritual Training: Based on the beliefs of individuals training them to be spiritually good
  6. Funding For self-employment: As, no one offers employment to such citizens, extending helping hand by funding to start their own business
As the adage goes: "Hate the Crime not the Criminal/Culprit", Mr. Sathyanaran Rao has taken forward an excellent scheme to provision those neglected citizens, who are made to suffer with inferiority complex in this external world. Now, It is up to the authorities to implement the scheme with utmost sincerity and provide a role model scheme to all other prison cells in Nation.

Last Sip 

ಕೃಷ್ಣ ಪರಮಾತ್ಮನ ಜನ್ಮಸ್ಥಾನದಲ್ಲಿ 'ರೂಪಾಂತರ 'ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಮ ಆಯೋಜನೆ ಗೊಂಡಿರುವುದು ಕೃಷ್ಣನ ಪೂಜೆ ಗಿಂತ ಪವಿತ್ರವಾದುದು ! 

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Political Stunts of Kurta-Wala and Coat-wala!

P.M Narendra Modi sits with Charaka wearing costly 'NEHRU COAT' though today it is renamed as 'MODI-COAT'! what a remake! While on another side Rahul 'Joker' Gandhi who had New Year Bash abroad, showcases torn Kurta in political rally!
Trying to Project as TRUE 'Gandhi'!

One person calls himself as Chai-wala and wears
Sophisticated Charaka-rti!
SUIT-BOOT for a Chai-Pe-Charcha with Obama! Another person who has spent his entire life in z-category aristocrat style, tries to project himself as AAM-ADMI of this nation, He tries to withdraw money from ATM queues! People call him Joker in Trolls. He has become substance of Joke for all tweetarti on social media. 
Trying to Project as Aristocrat

Psychology of 'Craving' for not relished childhood dreams 

As an observer of these two leaders of nation, my perception is simple: P.M Modi who came to power as 'Chai-wala, in all his outings in public never maintains austerity attire, instead wears costly dresses and NEHRU-COAT of yesteryears is renamed as MODI-COAT today! Such is the flamboyancy of this Neta who has left Home for Nation. In every calendar published by central govt. He is sole model! Whether you agree or not He is a showman! Most probably he is looking to compensate for what he might have lost in his childhood days! The psychology of carving for relishing what you would have missed out is seen in his action! in simple He is our 'SHERVANI-SHER' in attire! Also his Tweets of Spending Time with Mother is hyperbola of publicity! Excellent write up on showmanship of Modiji is here

On the other side Rahul Gandhi, born with silver spoon and brought up in aristocracy life style, who was not meant to enter politics, always being protected in 'Z-category' security, is trying to appear as if he knows problems of 125 Crore population is another extreme scenario! In simple He is Rahul 'JOKER' Gandhi trying to prove himself as  person with austerity life style. He stands in ATM queues and also displays torn kurta in rally which is a desperate attempt to prove simplicity, which in reality is not the case.

Unfortunately We Indians had/have no other option to choose from, and we opted for Shervani-Sher-MODI instead of Rahul JoKER-Gandhi to rule us!

Last SIP 

ಫಕೀರ  ಅಂತ ಬಾಯಿ ಜಪ 
ದೇಹದ ಮೇಲೆ 'ಐಷಾರಾಮಿ' ಸೂಟು ತೊಟ್ಟ 'ಚರಕ'-ವೀರ  ಅತ್ತ !
ವಿದೇಶಿ ಪ್ರವಾಸದಲ್ಲಿ ಹೊಸವರ್ಷ ಆಚರಿಸಿ 
Rally ನಲ್ಲಿ ಹರಿದ ಅಂಗಿ ತೋರುವ 'VIP ' ಧೀರ ಇತ್ತ  
ಇವರಿಬ್ಬರ ನಡುವೆ ನಾವು ಹರೋಹರ!  

Puncture Mafia on Roads & Priority Queue Mafia in Temples

Friends, 'Mafia' is term we associate with any kind of criminal activities that is executed in an organised manner. Though Mafia is a term used to describe crimes of a bigger stature, even small criminals are also executing their act in an organized manner. Here are two such 'mafias' burgeoning in Bangalore and its neighbouring temple towns.
The first one is 'Nail' mafia that has been busted by a Techie from Bangalore, which is used by Puncture shop operators in outer ring road and Mysore road of city to cause puncture in your two wheeler tyres and make you pay hefty price of 200-300 for getting it repaired in Puncture shops operating in those roads.  This Fight of Techie  against a mafia operating with intention to puncture our vehicles on streets and create panic in office hours so that we will pay the demanded amount for getting wheel repaired has been clearly identified by Mr. Bendict Jabkumar, who was once such victim of puncture. He in his mission to eliminate nails intentionally spread on these roads by criminals has collected almost 75 Kilograms of nails from outer ring road alone. In his mission to help out public his son has also joined hands by providing him a handy tool with a stick connected to magnet for collecting these nails.    
Nails recovered from outer ring road: Pic-courtesy Prajavani 

Bangalore city has witnessed many such 'mafias' in past too, Parking Space mafia, Cinema black-ticket mafia, Auto-rickshaw mafia in fixing and demanding pre-determined whooping fare from commuters.

Next is about Temple-Darshan mafia that is rampant in many holy places of Hindus. My friend by name Jaydev Borkar shared shocking experience he had to face in Temple Town Kalahasti in Telnagana/ Andhra Pradesh state, neighbouring state of Karnataka. All these temple towns operate with a 'Mafia' called 'agents of gods' who can allow you to PRIORITY-QUEUES for Darshan of God! Yes, if you are ready to spend extra bucks by warming fists of these agents, you can jump serpentine queues and get God's Darshan/blessings at a swifter pace!

God's darshan can be in priority Queues if you can  pay hefty money!

My concern is while God's auspicious place themselves are not free from corruption, We blaming Banks for taking uglier route during demonetisation spree will be hyperbolic expectation! When so called Calm and Peaceful centres of selflessness are open to short-cuts, Banks where Human selfish wealth is accumulated resorting to short-cuts is not a surprise.
Long back in temple town of Gokrana, I had witnessed such agents aka priests who literally fight with each other to get you feel the Holy-Atma Linga with your hands! Though people tell now a days Gokrana temple is free from such 'Priest-Fighting',  I can't eliminate the nightmare of ugly incidences of priests fighting inside God's place.
Name any temple town, starting from Kashi to Kanyakumari we have Priority queues operating with
their own agents taking you to God's feet at a swifter pace! 
To conclude Altogether, We Indians have assimilated all forms of mafia and are leading our life of equilibrium in this diversified cultured nation. 

Monday 16 January 2017

Profession Watch: Teachers & Lecturers Nightmare

Teaching was considered as Noblest profession for many years along with doctors in transforming the society.  Today Teachers and Lecturers in private institutes are treated with disrespect. Being in teaching getting a bride or groom to start a new life has become unrealistic dream. Teaching is considered as least earning job and many in technical education consider people who had no other option chose teaching career. Many Youngsters who have earned Post graduation degrees and also 
pursuing PhD do not get the respect they should derive for the qualification. Many Institutes provide prestigious positions for Non-teaching professionals as against teaching fraternity. Believe me or not Students rate Placement Officers of their institutes more than Lecturers who would have taught them basics and fundamentals for Four Years in their degree. 

The Idea is simple: "Who is the person who lands you in Job Market with offers from industry are more valuable than people who had have inculcated subject knowledge in you." We can't blame parents or students for this, The market advocates success as Fetching high paid salary package, and placement offices provide this not poor teachers.   

Today teachers have to juggle between various roles believe me majority of them is non-academic roles! Teachers have become 'multi-ball-jugglers'. They have to play roles of clerks, accountants, security personnel, maintenance in charge, Proctors/student counsellor, Placement coordinators, transport department coordinators, admissions coordinators, Publicity coordinators, Telecaller and many more non-academic roles without any additional incentives . 

Teacher is a juggler

Outsider's Perception About Teacher/Lecturer!

Friends, As an outsider many of you might think teachers/lecturers have two to three hours of work to deliver lecture and sleep rest of the time. Today this is not the case, I have worked in a private high school for one year and do you know Minimum 4-5 hours of teaching you have to do in 7 hours of stay there and your salary will be 12K or 17K maximum salary. Teachers would have studied Bachelors and B.Ed to take up these roles. I have come across an auto-driver, who quit his teaching job as he found Driving more lucrative. 

While this is the case of primary and high school teachers in middle-level private schools. The Lecturers or so called Asst. Professors in Colleges work for peanuts salary in comparison to their counterparts in Industry. Their job is not that easy as outsider might think! They have become multi-ball jugglers playing role of clerk, security guard, telecaller, admission coordinator, publicity coordinator and many more, They can't even derive satisfaction from their primary role of teaching as teaching is taken for granted/default role by many managements, they expect lecturers to be multi-tasking in non-academic activities. 

Finally even the qualification doesn't derive them the respect they deserve as even Doctorate holders are today brushed aside by many institutes, when it comes to paying them high package. I would like to conclude with a note that Teachers are made to play non-academic works in campus, which is creating frustration within this fraternity. Salary many of them would ignore, at least if they get the respect and job satisfaction they deserve, otherwise it will become one more mechanical jobs on this planet not a creative one!

Last SIP 

ಶಿಕ್ಷಕ,ಪ್ರಾದ್ಯಾಪಕ ಇಂದು ಬರೀ ವಿದ್ಯೆ ನೀಡುವ ಗುರುವಾಗದೇ 
ಕಾರಕೂನ,ಕಾವಲುಗಾರ,ಅಡ್ಮಿಶನ್-ಏಜೆಂಟ್,ಜಾಹೀರಾತು ಏಜೆಂಟ್ 
ಇನ್ನೂ ಏನೇನೋ 'ಏಜೆಂಟ್' ಆಗಬೇಕಾಗಿ ಬಂದಿರುವುದು 
ಟೀಚರ್ ಗಳ ದೌರ್ಭಗ್ಯ ವಲ್ಲದೇ ಮತ್ತೇನೂ?


World Watch: Rich & Poor Division

World Economic Forum W.E.F's 47th, Five day meet at Davos is in progress and shockingly it has revealed that Top 8 Richest of the globe have 50% of wealth share that all the inhabitants of Mother Earth put together have with them. Though in earlier surveys 62 World's richest were said to have 50% of world wealth, Now it has come down to 8-Eight individuals owning the wealth. Such is the division between Rich and Poor on this mother earth, where One out of every 10 person is earning less than 2 $ income.   
We are talking about creating opportunities and employment, but the truth is Capital is accumulated by few handpick capitalists and rest are all laborers in this Globalized, Privatized and Liberalized world. The top 8 richest being: Bill Gates- No-1, followed by Amancio Ortega of Fashion House Inditex, Economic Expert Warren Buffet, Mexico's industrialist Carlos Slim Halo, Amazon Head Bejoz, Facebook founder Zukerberg, Oracle's Larry and former Mayor of Newyork Bloomberg.

Though the news of wealth getting accumulated with few individuals is not a welcome trend, some of these richest contributing to the society through charity and philanthropic acts is consolation to those who care for well being of society.
Inspiring Quote on Responsive Leadership

Next is good news from World Economic Forum meet, it is all about Responsive Leadership of a physically challenged person who in spite of not being in richest list of Forbes or not an elected member of any electrol body, through his open appeal on radio broadcast was able to bring changes needed in his community. The name of this old man is Mandla from south Africa. According to author of a blog in WEF site Mr. Mandla has proven that Leadership doesn't come from power, position, money, age or gender it needs the willingness to act upon a situation.  

Responsive Leadership of a wheel-chaired person!

This Shocking Report has one main thing to reveal, despite high-pitch slogans and speeches of our politicians Rich are becoming rich and poor are left to be in debris and should always keep on appealing and requesting the rich to get their share!

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Online Stores: Amazon in Trouble

Indian flag has become marketable symbol on T-Shirts, Caps, Bags,Pencils, Books and almost all stationary objects we use day to day But Amazon Online stores printing Indian flag on door mats at Canada Marts has created online agitation on Amazon and finally Amazon has withdrawn the door mats. read more...Indian Flag Disrespected.
Disrespect to Indian Flag: Courtesy Prajavani
While USA and Canada have no objection for printing their country flags even in inner wears,
Amazon an american based company has not understood Indian constitution and regulations and emotions still! Today American flags are printed even on inner garments, most probably they are matured enough to treat all parts of body equally, We Indians still have not come out of our traditional thinking, and for us Different parts of body have different sanctity, our Manu Smriti oldest scripture tells: " Brahmin is born from Mouth, Kshatriya is born from Hands, Vaisha is born out of Thighs and Shudra from Feet! So Even our Constitution treats House mats as the filthy piece of cloth at house that is used to clean your feet, which is equivalent to 'SHUDRA' the least respected community in Varna Ashrama hierarchy.
USA Flag on T-shirt

USA Flag on inner wear!

My appeal to Amazon like multinational company is to study Indian way of thinking and way of life, before releasing any products with Indian God or Goddess or National emblems, As we are globalised people with still lot of traditional mind set or some of us would like to call it as values. We are value based society where Woman is treated as Mother, But ironically she is treated inhumanly too on streets. It is better for any Multinational company to do research on our traditions along with Market Research!

On contrary Many of my friends might also argue, Americans are not as Cultured as we Indians are that is why they have not learnt to give respect to national flags, while we are more civilised society.
arguments apart, current Indian govt. will definitely take swift actions on such incidences as it is known for cultural values of this nation since its inception as a party in this nation!
Amazon should have understood that we Indians will not wear footwear inside Temples, House and any private places. So How can our we assimilate Foot-Mat made of our flag!


ಅಮೆಜಾನ್ ಕಂಪನಿ ಮೊದಲು ಭಾರತದಲ್ಲಿ 
ಕಾಲಿಗೆ, ಕೈಗೆ, ಮುಖಕ್ಕೆ,ತಲೆಗೆ, ಕಿವಿಗೆ ,ಮೂಗಿಗೆ, ಕಣ್ಣಿಗೆ  ಯಾವ ಯಾವ ಬೆಲೆ ಇದೆ ಅರಿತು 
ಪ್ರಾಡಕ್ಟ್ ತಯಾರಿಸುವುದು ಒಳಿತು !

2017: Kannada Movies are Awesome

V.T.U Exams are over. 2017 has good movies to entertain both Faculty members and Students of colleges, particularly Engineering Colleges. While Kirik Party gives you after the exam bash experience! Pushpaka Vimana is true emotional entertainer for your family. Almost a week vacation for me, gave an opportunity to watch both these movies. Here is my personal review of both.

Pushpaka Vimana is versatile actor Ramesh Aravind's 100th Movie and what a way to hit screen with phenomenal performance of a father who is mentally challenged. Ramesh with baby Yuvina make us cry, laugh, giggle and overwhelmed with their roles as father and daughter. The sequences where Ramesh Aravind has to depart from daughter either to work or to jail or for death sentence exhibits best emotion by both with Yuvina counting One, Two and Three.... and Ramesh turning back and both involving in all kind of monkey and funny gestures were awesome to watch.
Every actor has played their cameo roles excellently. For me the young Jail Inhabitants who introduce themselves to Ramesh Aravind in excellent style was worth watching. An inhabitant who explains " I  was in sugar selling business unfortunately sugar packets by reacting with air turned 'brown' and Police caught me as brown sugar smuggler." and many such dialogues were humorous.
The lead jail inhabitant's English learning spree with he pronouncing Ganga as Ga- 'Ga'- and 'nga'    Ganja, is truly hilarious. These jail inhabitants coming to conclusion that "English is full of filthy words" that is why Mahatma Gandhiji declared Quit India movement against British is awesome! Director S. Ravindranath, in his debut movie has proved his mettle. Though movie is remake of Korean Movie...Miracle in Cell No.7 and is in contention for best adapted screenplay at Oscar. Movie is total entertainer for both family members and youth groups who would like to spend their weekends or vacations happily. Veteran actor Mandeep Rai in his role as a policeman in jail, Ravi kale as chief jail officer impress the audience with their roles.

Pushpaka Vimana: An Emotional entertainer

Next Movie you have to watch is KIRIK PARTY, though it doesn't reach the heights of 'THREE IDIOTS', in making, still it has freshness of campus and it will be nostalgic experience for all those who are out of campus life and for those of you who are still in college life, a must watch movie. Rishab Shetty, in his second movie has proven that his first movie Ricky was not a fluke. Heroine Character Sanvi Joseph, is already queen of many young hearts in campus and repetitive audience are coming to watch this girl. The campus 'Kiriks' aka Nuisances students get involved in is portrayed excellently. Songs are excellent, Execpt for the length of the movie which could have shortened down a bit, The movie touches your heart and takes you through a Campus Journey.

'Kirik party' -College Fun at its Best! 

All in all it is really a grand opening to Year 2017 from Kannada film industry point of view and Kannada movie lovers have again proved that "If a movie has Substance- They will stand by it!" For engineering students who have completed semester exams, Sandalwood has good stuff at offer.

Reviews of More about Pushpaka Vimahana & Kirik party review

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Society Watch: Make and Break Posts on Facebook

Social Networks like Facebook and Twitter are our companions to share the best emotions within us, to vent out our agony, to get connected with entire globe and to search friends of our school days otherwise meeting them would have been impossible task. past one week I have come across three important posts or conversation on Facebook, one of which has helped individuals to build relationship that has meaningfully culminated in wedlock! Another Video Post by Border Security Jawan that has opened the eyes of Home Minister of India about the plight of Indian Soldiers in Border areas. The other one is a post of a congress party worker Vivek shetty, that has enraged B.J.P M.L.A from Belgavai Raju Kage who in turn has assaulted Vivek like goons.
So, Facebook post can be a whistle blower, help as relationship builder or can cause threat to your life too!
Melvin from Karwar in Karnataka is speech impaired person working as mechanic in  a garage, his friendship with Anastassia from Russia who is also vocally challenged led for a meaningful bonding and both deciding to get married have entered into wedlock in Karwar! Though initially Anastassia's parents opposed this marriage finally they have agreed and here is details of this marriage Facebook led marriage
Facebook Impact: Melvin From Karwar in Karnataka weds Anasstissia from Russia 
The first story is happy ending story from social network, The next one is horrifying one, where 'Freedom of Expression' of an ordinary citizen on social media has ended in political goons assaulting him. The culprit is a public representative M.L.A from Belagavi in Karnataka, Mr. Raju Kage. Today Politicians are so insensitive that they are not ready to accept criticisms. More information on this assault is available at following link Facebook comment leads to assault

Facebook Comment lands him in Hospital!

Border Security Force -BSF complements our Indian army in all its operations in Border areas. We have to speak to people on ground level to understand the pathetic condition they are in to know about the working conditions in which they are operating with. We project and chant AMAR JAWAN slogans in media and praise our soldiers for their sacrifice in borders in media, but the pathetic condition of ground level employees is what area of concern. Similarly we praise doctors, teachers and various other servicemen who are directly involved in building the nation on Teacher's day and doctor's day! But the problems these professionals are facing is horrifying and speaking to them off the record will help you to know the truth. Otherwise all these professions are painted as Nation serving careers. But the Facebook video of this Soldier clearly depicts the type of food they are offered and how the money reserved for their ration is used by corrupt officials in higher up ranks to make extra bucks by corrupt ways. more story of BSF jawan is here.... Also The Facebook video has made the Rajnath Singh our Home minister and other higher ups to react immediately on twitter and other media also forcing them to start an inquiry on the same. Such is the power of Social Media, if it is utilised effectively

B.S.F Jawan: Thej Bhadur posts on Facebook goes viral!


ಮಾತು ಬಾರದವರ ಪ್ರೀತಿ-ಅಂಕುರ ಮಾಡುವ ಶಕ್ತಿ 'ಫೇಸ್-ಬುಕ್' 'ಟ್ವಿಟ್ಟರ್' ಗೆ ಉಂಟು 
ರಾಜಕಾರಣಿಗಳ ಗೋಮುಖ ವ್ಯಾಘ್ರತೆ ಯನ್ನು ಹೊರಗೆ ತರುವ ತಾಕತ್ತು ಇವಕ್ಕೆ ಉಂಟು 
ಒಬ್ಬ ಯೋಧನ ಅರಣ್ಯರೋಧನವನ್ನು ಸರ್ಕಾರಕ್ಕೆ ಮುಟ್ಟಿಸುವ ಶಕ್ತಿ ಸಹ ಇದಕ್ಕೆ ಉಂಟು 
ಸೋಶಿಯಲ್ ಮೀಡಿಯಾ ಜನಸಾಮಾನ್ಯರ ಮೀಡಿಯಾ ತಮ್ಮಾ !
ಇದನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವಂತವನಾಗು ಅಣ್ಣ!

Monday 9 January 2017

'Silicon Hill' Bangalore

Bangalore hosted Pravasi Bharat Divas -2017, An Indian Diaspora meet from 7th to 9th 2017. A meet where Non Residential Indians from all over the globe took part. This meet has interestingly rechristened Bangalore as Silicon Hill and it will complement Silicon Valley of USA in Software and electronics innovations. According to report in Prajavani, Bangalore is exporting 1.35 Lakh Crores Software overtaking Silicon Valley in San Francisco. 
According to Industrial minister of Karnataka, Mr. R. V Deshpande, San Francisco based Indians are planning to have a discussion and deliberations with Bangalore based I.T companies and Bangalore will get new nomenclature as 'SILICON HILL'. Minister has given data that Bangalore is leading the startups movement in India and in 2016 alone 160 Startups have registered in Bangalore . According to V. Manjula, I.T Dept. Additional Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka, Animation, Gaming and Comics industry have gained lot of impetus in Bangalore based I.T industries. She also has given evidences for the same in form of Jungle Book and Life of Pie Hollywood movies being animated in Bangalore.
Pravasi Bharat-2017 logo

Impetus for Artificial Intelligence innovations 

Artificial Intelligence- AI and Automation are considered to be the future of I.T industry according to many I.T experts. India is also embracing Automation and AI to keep up with the changing trends in industry. As a direct consequence of the same Bangalore will have an Artificial Intelligence Excellence Centre in place according to I.T minister of Karnataka Mr. Priyanka Kharge.

To conclude Bangalore has evolved itself from Pensioner's paradise fame to Garden City to Silicon valley of India, to Pub City, Educational hub, to now Startup City. In this process she has lost greenery and embedded many flyovers in her physical structure and she has assimilated all languages of globe and proved her mettle as true cosmopolitan city. 

FLIP SIDE of our Pharmaceutical Quality 
We are boasting of leaders in bio technology with so many pharma industries entering India, look at this image shared by my friend Srikantaswamy in Facebook, which depicts quality of drugs manufactured by some of these firms !
Friends, Whether we get new tag as silicon hill or BT-hill, quality of human life should not be at stake 


ಪ್ರಪಂಚದ ೧೦-೧೨ ಭಾಷೆಗಳ ಸಿನಿಮಾ ಬಿತ್ತರಿಸುವ ಮಲ್ಟಿಪ್ಲೆಕ್ಸ್ ಹಾಲ್ ಇರುವ ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು ಇನ್ಮುಂದೆ 'ಸಿಲಿಕಾನ್ ಹಿಲ್'! ಅಂತೇ 

BULL FIGHT And Biryani Controversy

Indian Villages are known to host festivals and games of varied styles. Domestic animals are integral part of our farming communities. Tamil Nadu and Karnataka southern states of our nation have their own heritage with respect to folk culture. Our villagers don't have pubs, malls, sporting clubs or cultural clubs to celebrate festivities. So they depend on rural set up and amenities available in their vicinity to entertain themselves and families. 
One such sport is 'Jalli Kattu' aka Bull Fights organised in Tamil Nadu rural areas during Pongal festival is now being Banned citing Animal-Violence involved in it.Opinion of Kamal hasan noted cine artist on this issue seems reasonable, As he has clearly brought the difference between Spain Bull Fights and Jalli Kattu of Tamil Nadu. The people involved in Spain Bull fights torture the animals by breaking their horns. While Tamil Nadu farmers worship cattle and do not harm them. Though Mr. Kamal Hasan's remarks that "Ban Biryani too" is an exaggerated one Compared to the type of Celebrations we have now a days in cities in name of New year and Birthday bash, 'Jalli Kattu' is far more decent in my opinion.  

Bull Fight in Tamil Nadu under controversy

Sankranthi Festival in Karnataka

Pongal is synonym for Sankranthi festival of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. During Sankaranthi festival farmers in Karnataka worship cattle and decorate these cattle herds with flowers and celebrate the festival through FIRE-JUMP Sport of these cattle herds.Though it is not a fight, here also the cattle herd gets frightened to participate in this sport. If the Govt. is so concerned about animals they should also Ban Derby Races in race courses which is lucrative sport for Government in form of revenue.
Similar sport involving Cattle is hosted in Coastal Karnataka region called Kambala, an adventures sport where a Race is arranged between cattle in wet paddy fields. An exciting sport of Karnataka and Coastal Karnataka which is a ICONIC Sport of this region.
paddy field racing of cattle- Coastal Karnataka
Even some Villages in India are known to host Cock-Fights during Festivals and fairs, where people get involved in gambling through these birds.

Cock fight-in Village fairs

Friends, city people enjoy in Electric-HUKKA (Smoking) bars Pubs and live-bands and no one is ready to ban such activities citing the reason Night-Life and Recreation activity for hardworking urban folks should be facilitated. But Rural folks who want to entertain themselves in their spare time are told to obey orders of court and Animal Protection acts come into play.
B.J.P M.L.A ,Raju  Kage attacks a common man for facebook comments, who will ban him ?


ಜಲ್ಲಿ ಕಟ್ಟು, ಕಂಬಳ ಪ್ರಾಣ ಹಾನಿ ಮಾಡ್ತವಂತೆ ಅದಕ್ಕೆ BAN !
ಕುಡಿದು ಕುಣಿದು ಮಧ್ಯ-ರಾತ್ರಿ ಹೆಂಗಸರ ಮಾನ ಮರ್ಯಾದೆ ಹರಾಜು ಹಾಕುವ 'ಸೆಲಿಬ್ರೇಶನ್'ಗೆ BAN ಇಲ್ವಾ?               

Sunday 8 January 2017

Cashless Says P.M- Only Cash Says I.O.C Pumps

P.M of our country is known for extempore talks and We Indians have voted Govt. after Govt. based on Emotional appeals and mesmerising speeches of our Netas. I don't understand people supporting 'Demonetisation' just because P.M is not corrupt can his policy also will be non-corrupt? If the same argument has to be extended to Dr. Manmohan Singh, Personally, Dr. Singh was not corrupt trouble lies in fact 'he was surrounded by corrupt colleagues' So should we spare him? We didn't and called him 'Mouni Baba'. sometimes 'Silence is better than clutter' or the other adage is 'Empty Vessels make more Noise' so today we are witnessing clutter of various forms. After effect of Demonetisation is felt among the daily waged labourers. Govt. couldn't recover Black Money from this drive and is now trying to probe deposits before November-8 2016!

No Card Please, Only Cash says Petrol Pump

Friends, Today Petrol Bunk owners association have decided not to allow DEBIT-CARD and CREDIT-CARD transactions! While Govt. is pressing upon Cashless Economy, The Petrol merchants are denying any kind of Card transactions quoting the reason "Transaction fee" imposed on them by banks. Ours is a nation where everybody wants to protect their interest first. So how can we consumers bring cash get our vehicles filled with fuel? No Card only cash says Petrol Pumps!
Prof. Jean Dreze-Economist

The other story is from Economic Times, Noted Development Economist in his interview with ET has said, Demonetisation might give political mileage or electoral benefits to govt. But at the cost of grievances to underprivileged working class. Prof. Jean Dreze emphasise: 'Political party' that projects itself as Anti-corrupt should first work at disclosing Political Funds of their own and then other political parties. 
An animated Joke on demonetisation was telecast during initial days of demonetisation, The Story goes like this: "Formula One Racing is happening between Akhilesh Yadav-SP, Mayawathi-BSP, Congress-Rahul Gandhi and BJP- Amit Shah and Modi. B.J.P car is trailing behind all, Shah and Modi throw nails called "Note Bandi" on tracks, all cars come to grinding halt emitting 500 & 1000 INR currency! then Modi & Shah Co. race on the track showcasing PINK-2000 I.N.R!"

Friends, don't you feel Demonetisation had very less to give to common man but it might work as panacea for B.J.P led alliance at U.P elections. Prof. Jean Dreze has also highlighted the same facts

Saturday 7 January 2017

Trends: Social Robots of 2017

Friends, we have moved ahead in social system from joint families to nuclear family system. Now a days house maids are hard to get in many urban places. In such a situation Social robots are ready to occupy places in our houses as new family members. Here is a quick look of such robots that will hit market in year 2017.
Robots have come and gone, Initial days Robots were used for industrial automation and Factory automation, Now chat bots are replacing human customer support in front office and back offices. But home robots also called Social Robots is a trend of 2017,Social robot Jibo an already hit robot is followed by Mykie, Kuri and Hub. Will these FOUR cutie-pies rule the home robot arena like EK, DHO, THEEN, CHAR friends of our yester years T.V Serial? Time will reveal.  

Jibo -'
A Single eye, Round Head Jibo

Jibo has already gained popularity as Home robot, envisioned by MIT Professor, Cynthia Breazeal, a pioneer in social robots innovation. This robot can be a home companion for kids and elders of the family as it has the ability to:
  • Make Video conference calls for old age people at home
  • Can entertain kids with interesting bed-time stories
  • Can play the role of Anchor in hosting games amongst group of children
  • Will greet you with different messages when you come home from office
  • It can clearly identify mood swings or emotions within you and decide whether to take a snap of your's or not  
"Many 'apps' referred to as 'Skills' of Jibo are continuously getting added on to this miniature creature" according to Prof. Cynthia. Though many detractors question the need of such a robot citing the fact that smartphones already have the intelligence this robot exhibits. This robot with human like interface will definitely count in Social robot industry.


The second member of this family of social robots is Kuri, an improvized version of Jibo in looks and functionality, it has two eyes as against one eye of Jibo. This robot has its own roles to play in home scenario such as:
Kuri can:
  • Inspire Kids with it's emotive eyes
  • Listen- has the ability to listen through microphones
  • See- Has powerful camera to see and capture pics
  • Learn - Quickly learn about the floor planning of your home about obstacles
  • Moves around- Can move around your home swiftly
  • Speaks Robot language of chirps
Kuri companion to Kids!

Mykie- Theen-3 

Mykie is a Bosch Home robot specifically designed for helping our daily needs in kitchen chores, it has two illuminated eyes and is specific to kitchen chores according to the press release of Bosch. This robot continuously chants recipes using which cook can prepare dishes.

Recipe Chanter in kitchen

Hub- Char-4

L.G-Hub is another social robot built by electronic giant L.G, It is a stationary robot according to preview available and has the ability to smartly connect home appliances of L.G make like oven, refrigerator, Washing machine so on and so forth. 

A Robot by L.G to connect all L.G appliances at your home

finally, as we can make out all these robots look alike starting from Jibo to Hub and developers have provided answer to such similarity among these robots in more info on these robots.... and they give safety and ease of maintenance as key factors behind all these robots looking like siblings! Definitely in coming years, a new family member will get added to our home in form of Social Robots. Final say is 'Kuri' robot appears to be more human like robot compared to other members in my opinion.

ಲಾಸ್ಟ್ ಸಿಪ್ 

ಅಜ್ಜಿ ತಾತ ಕತೆ ಹೇಳುವ ಕಾಲ ಮುಗಿಯಿತು ಡುಂ, ಡುಂ, ಡುಂ !
ರೋಬೋಟ್ ಗಳು ಕತೆ ಹೇಳುವ ಕಾಲ ಬಂತು ಡುಂ, ಡುಂ, ಡುಂ! 

Heart Touching Social Advertisements

When we are watching Television and ad break creeps in, our hands automatically stretch to remote control and channel gets changed. Though we feel commercial breaks are nuisance or 'Kabab Mein Addi', many of us enjoy watching few commercials for the creativity involved in them. Advertisements have to grab our attention within minutes or seconds duration and it is really challenging for Copy Editors or Ad Directors to achieve this goal. Ads like "Men are Men" titled Imperial Blue product grab our attention for the humorous depiction. There are many Ads that grab our attention for the social values that they portray. Recently I came across a portal on Social Awareness having huge collection of such Social Awareness advertisements with a pinch of humour too in them. Compilation of 40 Social Advertisements is an excellent portal having images of ads depicting social concern effectively a must read one for all of us.
Let me share few of them in this post and rest you can follow up in the above  mentioned link.
Don't Drink and Drive

Color of Skin should not determine Future
This ad spreads message of "STOP VIOLENCE", by avoiding drink and drive. A message often ignored by youth and this year's New Year Celebration in Karnataka alone had 7-10 Deaths due to drink and drive cases were reported.
Smoking: At 42 Age She looks like 84!

This Ad is about Health Hazards due to smoking, which portrays that By Smoking you look like 84 at 42nd Birthday. So, Smoking causes Premature Ageing.

Next one is from Bangalore Traffic Police, advising commuters to not use phone while driving. Here is the pic of the same:

Don't Drive With Mobile in Ears
Bangalore Traffic Police have taken excellent steps with respect to creating awareness about safe-driving by pooling celebrities like cricketer Rahul Dravid as their ambassador to spread safety message among citizens. 

Dravid about Road safety
Pollution is killing our cities, particularly third world cities have become graveyards, yesterday it was Beijing, Today it is Delhi tomorrow it will be Bangalore. Here is an ad that depicts Air-pollution fabulously:

Pistol Shape Chimney, Depicting AIR Pollution Kills

Who doesn't use Social Media, Big columnists to small writers, bloggers, politicians to celebrities every one of us have our presence in Social Media. But here is a heart touching advertisement that portray meaningfully LIKES that we give with thumbs-up in Social media is not sufficient safe life, life saving requires action from our end, which can be done Physically not virtually. 

More Than virtual 'LIKE'- Action on ground is desired!

The Next one is about extinct of various species from this Mother Earth that is happening due to selfish motive of Man, yes one after the other many species are getting entry in the book of Dinosaurs. The next Ad clearly depicts the difference between Shark's presence in ocean and it's total absence from ocean.

Frightening Versus More Frightening!

Friends, Don't you agree that advertisements created in media have  a greater impact on society if they portray Social Concern?! My heart felt thanks to all creators who have visualised and created such Socially meaningful Advertisements for all of us.  

ಲಾಸ್ಟ್ ಸಿಪ್
ಕಲೆಗೆಮಾಧ್ಯಮದ ಅಂಗಿಲ್ಲ ತಮ್ಮಾ ,
ಕಲೆಗಾರ ತಾನೇ ಕಲ್ಲನ್ನು ಶಿಲೆ ಮಾಡಬಲ್ಲ ಚತುರತೆ ಹೊಂದಿರುವವನು ?!

Friday 6 January 2017

Technology Trends:Automated & Luxury Communism

Friends, Majority of Nations have rejected social communism except few countries like China & North Korea. We all have headed towards democracy driven by Capitalism. So It's Capitalists who are creating Jobs and Job seekers are getting hired. But if you go through interesting write ups in 'Forbes' by Bernard Marr, Many astonishing Technology Trends gets revealed. Among them an 'Automated Luxury Communism' is a tagline to be looked into in the year 2017 and beyond.

For the benefit of younger generation who do not follow politics, let me tell Social Communism advocated Equality among all citizens and everyone will work for the upliftment of Nation without accumulating Individual wealth and property. But as we know Today Forbes also releases Top Ten Richest in the world as we all have headed towards Capitalism. In this context If we look at term called Automated Luxury Communism, all of us can shed the theory of capitalism that advocates "Work Hard Entire Week to Get Luxury of Weekend", and start leading a life of "LUXURY FOR ALL!"

Yes, Automation and Artificial intelligence innovations are helping companies like UBER to deploy driverless Car by 2030 to entire globe. We humans will be left to sit back and do works similar to Quality Control and Wikipedia editing activity which will be decentralized in nature.
2030 New Year Cheers!

According to proposers of Fully Automated Luxury Communism -FALC, The technology innovations which were initially made to liberate human from laborious work will finally achieve the same. As Capitalism didn't liberate ordinary citizens from tedious work instead made them to put effort of other kinds, finally The Sci-Fi society like Star-Trek will emerge in our society If all the predictions of FALC becomes complete reality.  

Danger to Privacy

The flip side of rapid automation is cited in Dangerous technology trends of -2017 where the most dangerous situation we all have to encounter with respect to Privacy is debated. As our entire data will be available with service providing digital companies they can sell it to others or data might be hacked by intruders putting our entire existence into stake.

Losing Jobs to Robots

If Automation leads to Luxury For All, it is well and good, But in a country like us where Population is a huge factor, Leave aside obtaining Equal Luxury, chances of we all losing our jobs can put us in clutches.
Robo Friend for doggy !

Extended Life Span

As health innovations are leading to enhanced life span. Looking after the old people and ensuring better care takers and other problems arising among old age people is also a hurricane task to handle.

Digital Feudalism 

The entire market of technological developments will be controlled by few elite players. So that a digital feudalism can emerge from the situation.


ಕಮ್ಯುನಿಸ್ಟ್ ಸಿದ್ದಾಂತಕ್ಕೆ ಎಳ್ಳು-ನೀರು ಬಿಟ್ಟೆವು 
ಅನ್ನು ವಷ್ಟರಲ್ಲಿ ಐಶಾರಾಮಿ ಕಮ್ಯುನಿಸ್ಮ್ ಜನ್ಮ ತಾಳುತ್ತಿದೆ 
ಇದು ಕಾರ್ಮಿಕರಿಗೆ ಸಿಹಿ ಸುದ್ದಿಯೋ ಅಲ್ಲವೋ ಕಾಲವೇ ಹೇಳಬೇಕು 

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Information Technology: It's no more Cake walk for Indian I.T industries

It was in 1996, an Engineering fresh graduate from Bangalore with just mastery over two or three dozen of HTML-Hyper Text Markup Language tags could end up fetching handsome pay package of 5 Digits in some Blue chip company! In year 1999-2000, many non-engineering and non--computer science graduates ended up getting high paid jobs in Mainframe industry to fix Y-2-K (Year 2000) problem on COBOL- (Common purpose Business Oriented Language) machines! During 2005-2006 period engineers and non-IT graduates who had acquired a certification in Software Testing tools (like load-runner and win-runner) were having demand in I.T market and Software Testers had a lucrative period.
Subsequently Object oriented Programming languages like Java and Web based programming platforms like J2EE, .NET all fetched major pie in I.T job cake. Later people started talking about BIG-DATA & Hadoop, I.O.T, Android App development, Cloud computing so on and so forth as major breadwinner for I.T aspirants. But 2017 and years ahead has lot of challenges for I.T aspirants and finally questions of my Students in classes regarding, "Why we should learn subjects like Compiler-Design, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Finite-Automata like stuff? while a mere Java and J2EE course at training institutes fetches me 6 digit salary" will be answered by rapidly changing industry needs. Are Indian IT firms becoming irrelevant? is a piece of Write up in NDTV-News I caught up with, where Author clearly mentions project size are getting shrunken and Automation and Innovation are two buzz words for I.T firms to survive in this highly competitive market.

Challenges in Technology Front 

Infosys C.E.O Vishal sikka warns colleagues in his new year address that complacency can kill their business and reactive way of solving problems is no more in need. He quotes Martin Luther King Jr.'s quotation "If you can't fly then run, If you can't run then walk, If you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do keep moving forward." and stresses upon the need of Automation and Innovation to thrive in industry.

Why Automation?
Infosys chief tells mastering Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence as key, because most of the tasks done by I.T employees today have become mundane tasks (whether they agree or disagree) which is getting automated at client end itself instead of outsourcing to Country like India, Brazil, Philippines or China. So Clients are in need of tools with minimum human intervention as it happens in the floors of Machine shops. The Challenge here is to learn automating the regular activities done with human help all these days.
machine learning : Need of  Today  

Why Innovation?  

Friends, you agree or not, Though India boasts of biggest I.T exporter in world, which was true all these days due to huge  English speaking population, Contribution to Computer Science in form of any new Operating System or programming language is a Big zero! All these days our IT firms were busy addressing the orders placed by clients from USA or Europe and have shown minimum interest in Research & Innovation. All of a sudden all these jobs are getting automated and our clients will no longer outsource it! This is the bottom line making our big I.T players to talk about Innovation for the first time with such emphasis.
Human have less work !

Political Challenges

Now with Donald Trump taking power at USA and Great Britain opting to come out of European Union Honey moon Period is over for IT due to political strategies of these big players outsourcing might come down drastically.
Friends, as an amalgamation of Technological challenges and Political ones, Indian IT firms have to innovate themselves by shedding the old image of Cost-effective Solution providers due to the difference in currency rates of Dollar $ and Pound.

Finally to conclude it will be good if the kind of challenges in evolved IT industry demands Engineering skills rather than problems that can be fixed by non technical graduate too.


ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಬಂದ್ರೆ ಸಾಕು ಐ ಟಿ ಕೆಲಸ ಗ್ಯಾರಂಟಿ
ಅನ್ನೋ ಕಾಲ ಹೋಯಿತು ಸ್ವಾಮಿ
ಮಿದುಳಿಗೆ ಕೆಲಸ ಕೊಡೊ ಕಾಲ ಬಂತು ಸ್ವಾಮಿ