Monday, 16 January 2017

World Watch: Rich & Poor Division

World Economic Forum W.E.F's 47th, Five day meet at Davos is in progress and shockingly it has revealed that Top 8 Richest of the globe have 50% of wealth share that all the inhabitants of Mother Earth put together have with them. Though in earlier surveys 62 World's richest were said to have 50% of world wealth, Now it has come down to 8-Eight individuals owning the wealth. Such is the division between Rich and Poor on this mother earth, where One out of every 10 person is earning less than 2 $ income.   
We are talking about creating opportunities and employment, but the truth is Capital is accumulated by few handpick capitalists and rest are all laborers in this Globalized, Privatized and Liberalized world. The top 8 richest being: Bill Gates- No-1, followed by Amancio Ortega of Fashion House Inditex, Economic Expert Warren Buffet, Mexico's industrialist Carlos Slim Halo, Amazon Head Bejoz, Facebook founder Zukerberg, Oracle's Larry and former Mayor of Newyork Bloomberg.

Though the news of wealth getting accumulated with few individuals is not a welcome trend, some of these richest contributing to the society through charity and philanthropic acts is consolation to those who care for well being of society.
Inspiring Quote on Responsive Leadership

Next is good news from World Economic Forum meet, it is all about Responsive Leadership of a physically challenged person who in spite of not being in richest list of Forbes or not an elected member of any electrol body, through his open appeal on radio broadcast was able to bring changes needed in his community. The name of this old man is Mandla from south Africa. According to author of a blog in WEF site Mr. Mandla has proven that Leadership doesn't come from power, position, money, age or gender it needs the willingness to act upon a situation.  

Responsive Leadership of a wheel-chaired person!

This Shocking Report has one main thing to reveal, despite high-pitch slogans and speeches of our politicians Rich are becoming rich and poor are left to be in debris and should always keep on appealing and requesting the rich to get their share!

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